I kind of got the idea from the mw2 perk thread. Use this: Name: Kills: Effect: I'll start! Name: The swarm Kills: 10 Effect: A swarm of locus swarm the enermy team, damaging them (40% kill chance) and destroying one of there wepons (50-50)
Your killstreak was kind of gay, but what the hell. MW2 isn't the most realistic game out there. Name: Almost There... Kills: 4 deaths without a kill Effect: 15% faster capture/plant/defuse rate for the first objective in objective games. Effective, but is it worth it? (ex. search and destroy games)
Name: Rush Kills: 5 Effect: Fire rate, movement speed, reload Speed, obstacle climbing speed, capturing speed, weapon switching speed, health regeneration speed, etc. are all increased by 40 % for 30 seconds.
It's all part of my plan! ) Name: Flash nuke Kills: 10 Effect: Calls in a nuclear flash bang, (very big!) and when it detonates (5 seconds + no warnings) it will do the following things to enemy players: -8 seconds of 100% blind + slow movement (like stun grenade). -12 seconds of 100% blind. -10 seconds of flash backs (like a normal flash grenade) (30 seconds all up) It will also do the following things to enemy vehicles: -15 seconds of being unable to shoot and flying randomly (blind) + 25% fatality chance (spin out and crash). -Normal flash effect to chopper/AC-130 + 5% fatality chance.
Name: Bring the rain Kills: 13 Effect: 4 Sentry are placed on the outskirts which rain shots for 45 secs
name: what the **** kills: 1000 kills effect: kills everyone on the map and resets their prestige's and ranks and classes to zero and makes you automatic level 70 10th prestige
That's insanely unbalanced, how the hell are you meant to get 1000 kills?! AA Battary 10 kills. Lasts a minute, automatically destroys air support. Every air support unit shot down counts as 2 kills, and adds to your killstreak.
JDAM strike 7 kills Several intelligent missiles are launched in a similar manner to an airstrike, however the JDAM missiles have smaller payloads and are slightly guided towards targets. JDAMs have settings to penetrate somewhat-thin materials (e.g. bunkers on Afghan), detonate over the ground or explode on contact.
Name: BLOCKADE Kills: 20 Effect: Stop all enemy killstreaks from being used for 2 and a half minutes.
isn't that basically an EMP? Anti-God Kills: 17 Effect: Choose a section of the map (most likely the opponents spawn) to use biological weapons on. A 'Bio bomb' goes off, and the effects off it are similar to stepping into radiation. lasts 30 seconds.
Sentry Overlooker 15 kills. Place it like a sentry turret, it snipes enemies. Carbomb 20 kills. All cars are filled with C4 and when an enemy goes near one it detonates when people are within the same range as claymore. Sitrep can detect it. Makes a click. Size of a Javelin explosion. Vitality 15 kills 500% hp. The bonus HP doesn't regenerate Heads Up 7 kills. In Hardcore: Friendlies gain HUDs with UAVs for 1 minute. In Normal: Enemies lose HUDs and friendlies gain a UAV for 1 minute. Time Distortion 15 kills. Time is slowed down to the nuke countdown time for 30 seconds. Can't Touch Dis 5 kills. All Air Support regenerates flares. Air Raid 25 kills. For the next minute, the entire is randomly bombarded by Precision Airstrikes, Predator Missiles and Stealth Bombs every 5 seconds. Doesn't count towards killstreak. Ignores whether friendly fire is on or off and kills either way. Cavalry 20 kills. 4 Random Air Supports come. 30% UAV 30% Counter UAV 10% Harrier (No airstrike) 10% Pavelow 20% Helicopter.
Replacement Nuke ( Mini Nuke ) Kills: 25 Instead of ending the game (gay) the nuke affects a little less than a quarter of the map, and kills everything in that area upon impact. You would do the same thing as a Predator Missile (with the laptop) and pick a section of the map. Then a Stealth Bomber comes in, and instead of carpet bombing, it drops the nuke where you specified and kills everything there. After Effects: For 5 minutes or so, the area you nuked is plagued with radiation and nobody can go there. For objective games like Search, the objective (if in blast range of the nuke) will cease to exist. Domination flags wouldn't earn points, the headquarters would go offline and move somewhere else, etc. OMG MODDER (7 deaths without a kill) Unlimited ammo and no clips ( ammo is all in one clip ) for 10 seconds after you spawn. Advanced UAV ( 6 Kill Streak ) Flyable UAV that carries a payload of 5 Starfin Missiles
I gots one!!! Name: Smite Kills: 15 Effect: An invincible cloud appears! It smites anyone that can doesn't have cold-blooded with it's magical smite-like powers. Basically, the other team is screwed for 90 seconds.
OMG LOOPKILL NUUB!!11one! Kills: 12500 of the same player Effect: Any player you've killed 12500+ times in a single match gets constantly killed every time he spawns for 60 minutes. If the game ends prior to this, it continues into the next game. They get double exp penalty for quitting. Switching the XBox off means it goes into the next time you play a match (lobby doesn't count towards 60 minutes). You have to get at least 5 kills for every 7 deaths per match or it doesn't count. If they die near a friendly it explodes, and if the killstreaker is playing another match, both kills count towards his streak as +5.
Name:Chopper Driver Kills:13 Effect:It is like chooper gunner but you choose a team mate to do the shooting with you drive
anti nuke booster- disables killstreaks and doesnt let him accomplish challenges if someone kills one person at least 10 times in a row without killing someone else 2 kills.