Hello! You may no me as Turkey bag56, Abobchicken, xXmagnetarXx, Chunkycat or That guy. I may not be new but it may have taken me all this time to find this page! First of all I would like to say I'M NOT 11! My age may vary from -98,783,629,265 to 100. Astronomy is the main thing I do but I also do physics and quantum mechanics (to lazy for these most the time ). I enjoy making games, animations and pictures in my free time. I'm lazy as hell when it comes to posting maps (everything in my sig has long since been done and tested. My xbox has rrod, my live is silver, my sig shop fails at life, I have a disturbingly good memory and according to some people I need "serious psychiatric help" *Cough* RightSideTheory *Cough* I can spell right if I feel like it! I don't know what else to say so hello forgehub!!!!! If anyone has a group I might like send me a link!
Hey turkey bag welcome to 4chub. We already kinda met in the debates section. I'm lazy at posting maps as well, but I'm even worse about even bothering to make them. Physics and Quantum Mechanics? Where do you study that? Hi-5 for people with good memory. Signing out, Noklu
I do a lot in my free time but SIT and university are for the things I can't learn on my own or just can't find. I go to SIT most the time because it's in my city but there I usually do stuff for game making. Physics and quantum mechanics are more free time thing, although I can do more than 1 course at university so that works out. Edit: Put the wrong things in rofl
You don't need an introduction after one year >.>. Plus, I see you quite Lot, so Im sure others do too.