1)I was thinking more this 2)idk. I just zoomed in with Photoshop, then I burned it a bit so it's easier to see.
So I'm thinking the main gun will be a bit like this... Skip to about 6 minutes YouTube - Halo 2 E3 Gamplay Trailer#
I'm really digging the new elite's look. Alot different style armor. More low grade i guess you would say. Kinda like how rustic the Brute armor from Halo Wars was.
The reticule is a glitch in the alpha build. The pictures where taken in November and they ware fixing it after that and probably have.
Bungie announced a couple days ago that the ammo count wont be in the final game because that was an old beta build with undiscussed decisions and many glitches hence the cross hair on the left of the screen. For those of you who haven't seen it: Bungie.net : Bungie Weekly Update: 01.29.10 : 1/29/2010 2:38 PM PST
No, in the blog, they said it was an ongoing issue that happened when taking screenshots on Halo Reach. They are Fixing it Healthbars will NOT be yellow either. Already been stated by bungie that it is only a concept hud. not the final work, they said the final HUD will not be yellow
This is just out of the blue, and I'm not sure if it has been noticed yet, but I was looking around the Ordinance part of the Reach project page and found this paragraph. Now, at first glance There seems to be nothing wrong with that. However, look at the last few words "in most weather conditions" Why would they add that in? Are we going to be seeing weather in Reach?
oooh interesting concept, and i was about to say that maybe this could play out like that one level in call of duty that ive seen where your a sniper and you have to lead your shot according to the wind.. imagine a windswept canyon that you have to make it through.. although not sure how it would work because Bungie is using Hitscan for halo Reach... or is that only for matchmaking?
There will be rain in campaign apparently. When it rains, it's supposed to leave covered areas dry and uncovered areas will be wet. Hopefully there will be some kind of setting to have rain be on in custom games.
that would be amazing! its just like i was suggesting a year or so ago... check this idea out... Everyone wants Coagulation and blood gulch back right? but the reason it wasn't included in Halo 3 was because of the openness of the map, which wasn't suitable for the new weapons included in halo three like the spartan laser and missile pod. Well.... If there is storm and rain clouds, they can fog long distance vision! a spartan laser is only effective to an extent! this makes up for the lack of cover and also makes for much more strategic gameplay! the description for the map could be something like, "after years of drought, the gulch has finally been drenched in a flash flood" or something
Yeah but id rather just have a similar but revamped coag map. Perhaps more rock's or maybe even a small mesas in the middle that accessible by either side to break up the map. Also extending the map and adding more cliff sides and caves would be nice.