First Signature Made... Since like October lol

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Pigglez, Feb 3, 2010.

  1. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    So I seem to have a pattern of making lots of sigs, then stopping for a few months, then starting again. So since October, I havent done anything, and finally decided to get back into this. I don't think its that great, but seeing as I haven't done anything in a while, I don't think its that bad. I just tried to recreate an old style...

  2. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    Wow, amazing. I am guessing you used the same style as the one in your sig. Because both look great, though I find myself looking at the hayabusa as well as the intended focal, perhaps blur (?) Amazing clipping masks. Overall awesome job.

    Knight is going to CnC the **** out of this, watch.
  3. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    lawl thanks rofl.. i gotta agree, i'm about to. i always love cncing your sigs Pigglez.

    well lets get started....


    My likes: colour scheme, lightning, clipping masks (as always)... and the intensity of the movement.

    Like ROFL said, the hayabusa guy on the right is slightly too distracting from the focal. i do like how, if you look at the sword guy though, you see him in the corner of your eye.. like a blur of movement.

    My suggestions: motion blur a wee bit more, but one main thing to prevent it from stealing the spotlight too much: BURN IT! ITS A WITCH!! anyways.. yeah if you burned it to be a little bit darker, it would blend with the BG more, thus preventing it from sticking out as much as it does.

    next, although i love the motion in the piece, the thick wireframe-ish thing(?) you have placed in the BG of the sword looks good at a glance, but with a closer look, it is less appealing.. sozzy :p i say do a lighter c4d to create motion, though not too light.. the dark was a good idea.

    other than this, love the chaos and depth! its a beautiful sig as usual pigglez, great job <3
  4. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Agreed on the Hayabusa guy.
    Otherwise, this sig is amazingly amazing. You're the best Halo sig artist I know.

    So now you can work on my belated sig request? :)
  5. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    I'm really not an expert or anything but to me his arm with the sword looks too dark, so it kind of looks like its disconnected or not his arm.

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