I was thinking about this the other day. Basically, the idea is that you have a large empty oval (like the floor of a sports arena). The floor is scattered with objects of course. The Juggernaut starts out on one side. He is almost completely invisible, sword, normal shields. The others start out in a holding room on the other side. No shields, limited ammo. The room is dark (gloomy filter used). Basically, the goal is less for the juggernaut to win and more for the others to survive. The catch is that after a certain time, lights spawn, power weapons spawn, and the juggernaut loses the advantage. ANyway, it's just an idea I had in my head. And it's one I'd really like to see come to life (even though I'm sure I'm not skilled enough to do it justice). Opinions?
sounds like that 30 days and 30 nights game if i recall.... i never liked that game..... but the sword would give him away wouldn't it .... if he takes one shot at a guy his sword glows gives away his possition and the whole other team shoots at him
Never heard about that 30 game. Yes, his sword would give him away. But with the objects on the map, it would hide it a little, and with no shields, if you saw the sword, you'd be more tempted to run than attack.
You coul make the juggernaut die then spawn back, so he respawns with full active camO, but then looses it after 3 minutes
See, I was thinking more about this today. Basically, when the non-juggernauts are killed, they go up into a holding cell, where they can see all the action. The best I can sum it up as is kinda like a reverse hide and seek.