Just a poll for the FH community, because it seems like the MLG titled maps tend to get a few more DLs. For example I created an MLG themed map (no MLG in the title, as I am not associated with them or did I make it JUST for MLG), but did not get many DLs and died at less then a page (no-that's not the reason for the thread). But, around the same time, a map came up with MLG in the title, with no interlocking and non MLG respawn times, yet it got 20+ DLs and a few pages. Just an example, and I don't mind if my maps get 0 DL's as I enjoy making maps and sharing them with people, whether they think they suck or think they're awesome. So, are you more likely to DL or look at a map with MLG in the title? Please explain after voting.
Personally, I would want to stay away from any MLG map. I hate MLG Snowbound, so I really wouldn't want to play another map that is based on MLG standards. Also, as a run-up to your comment on the map with "MLG" in the title... I really don't think that a map should recieve more attention than others just because of the three letters M-L-G being in the title. It takes away from fairness in map grading.
I agree, but its not necessarily map grading but whether or not a person will DL or click on the thread.
There is no real MLG snowbound. Good maps are good maps, there are good and bad MLG maps, what I click on is usually determined by if I know the creator, or if the map has alot of comments.
Unless I know that MLG is releasing a map or gametype, I don't download them because they are most likely a MLG knockoff or don't use MLG weapons/map/gametype. They hardly ever come out as well as actual MLG maps.
nope, in fact, if i see MLG, i stay away. Hate MLG... too MM-like. If i wanted tht id plau actual MM. I like creative maps tht actually make u think nd need a different kind of strategy nd gametype...
When I see MLG, it usually indicates to me that the mapmaker did not plan his weapons layout at all. Therefore, he wants to dump BRs all over the place.
No, I hate MLG. Most players I've met online from MLG are complete a-holes, bitching at you for every little mistake (miss 1 head shot with the sniper, accidentally betray with a grenade taking out 2 opponents at the same time, etc.) even in social games where rank doesn't even matter. I play for fun and hate it when someone has a god complex, thinking that they're better than everyone else. Some people are pretty cool (like the guy who made the Maptacular video) but overall, the ones I've met are jerkoffs. And for those who believe that I think I'm better than anyone else because of my name, your wrong. It is a reference to Attack of the Show on G4TV. Specifically, its what Kevin Pereira called himself when challenging/interviewing a "pro" gamer.
No. Definitely not. I don't go "OMFGZ0RZ MLG LOLOLOLOL" whenever I see those three letters. I download maps that are good and look good in general, not just MLG.
Heck, NO! For me, maps have to be like Pamela Anderson, full of stuff in them. MLG barely has any weapons
I love MLG, I just hate it when my team doesn't. "Man, this is so stupid." "Yeah, screw MLG." I will admit though seeing MLG does catch my attention a little bit better.
Im all for MLG, but from every map i have seen with the prefix 'MLG' it has been all but pleasing. I usually avoid maps with that title, Besides that, Nemi is right, 8/10 its down to the maker not bieng bothered about weapon locations.
I don't know why so many people make maps that say "MLG blah blah" I think some people think this but really I look less at maps that say MLG because if you've seen one you've em all
So it seems like the general consensus is no, as the poll is at No- 13 Yes-1. But, it will be interesting to see how it plays out once more votes are cast.
Lolwut? _____ I could care less if MLG is in the map's name I play maps that look good and play well.
Ok, you are correct; I had meant HC Snowbound. = P However, I hate MLG Construct (Don't even tell me that doesn't exist!), so that usually keeps me away.
Theres good MLG maps if your into that style gameplay (Lockdown v1, Onslaught eh) but most people are just shooting blanks there, look: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6294 proof enough. its just a way to advertise, i've seen mlg maps that have shotguns and ar's so its w/e.
There are some good MLG maps, but the first thing I do with them is destroy the weapons layout and rebuild it.