Reach expectations

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by B3NW, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    1. Anything to back that up.
    2. Already in OP.

    I nealy had a seizure at that lol -.- And yes, the flaming will stop as long as people stay OT and read the OP and stay to the rules on the OP.

    BY GOSH I THINK HES GOT IT! Yeah i'm gonna quote that in OP so people understand the meaning of expecting something.

    Oh how kind of you. So you expect Reach to be the opposite of Halo ODST because your opinion of ODST was that it was bad, so Bungie will just go off your opinion and make their game only around your opinion?

    Im geussing you were saying don't quote my post. I will allow your post as it is evidence to the possible characters. That last bit was a wishlist so I will disregard that.

    Also guys, please don't be hating on me because I challenge your ignorance to read, what 1-2 lines?
  2. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    I posted that hours before you edited you're op. I read the whole thing and then posted. I don't understand by what you man you said I was saying don't quote my post, I only put the spoiler in there for the benefit of people that haven't read First strike but want to. Also don't worry do I don't think anyone could hate you :p
  3. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    The first line in the OP has always been there since the thread was started, I added the last bit earlier today to explain to people that don't understand the meaning of expecting something. When I said don't quote your post it's because you said "then don't my post". I thought you missed out the word quote but now I see you missed out the word Read, sorry my mistake. I know lot's of people hate me, but it's because I speak the truth about people and that doesn't fit societies views on how someone should be ¬.¬
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    No... they will probably change it because it was only played for the first week that it came out and people stopped playing it after that. So really they would probably listen to the statistics that are based over the entire LIVE community rather than just Rifte...

    Although there is no online gameplay, Bungie expected the game to be a huge hit even to today due to Firefight and Campaign and now the only thing that inspires people to keep ODST is the Reach beta. Do you know how many times they hear: "WE WERE RIPPED OFF!!!"?
    #44 Loscocco, Dec 24, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2009
  5. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The thing is, you're comparing ODST and an installment to a series.

    ODST sold well because of the extras. Yes, the campaign was great, but what made sales was 1. Recon, 2. Firefight, 3. Mythic Maps for customs, 4. Mythic maps for MLG, and 5. Reach Beta. Now that people have bought ODST for the first 4, all we will hear from Bungie until Spring '10 is "Get in on the Reach Beta Multiplayer, coming this Spring!"
  6. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    1. It isn't an expectation because if it was the total opposite of ODST then tell me, tell me exactly what it will be then because to be quite honest thats just leaving it wayyy to open if you get me. It's not an expectation it's a prediction that's not direct enough.

    2. I know for definite every single popular game ever released gets a huge increase in players which then slowly decreases, that's how games work, everyone finds out about a game from friends, play it, then get bored. That's what happened with ODST as with many other games. No I don't hear everyone going ohh I got ripped off by ODST because my friend list is not populated by 10 year old kids that don't even know what the insult *** insinuates.
  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    1: Im just saying that Bungie would listen to the statistics and think that there must be something wrong with the ODST campaign if very few people go on ODST nowadays. They don't want to repeat any mistakes that they had in their previous games and they would listen to what their community has to say.

    2: Yes that is true, but the rate at which people get bored counts. ODST lost somewhere around 50%-60% of it's players after the first week. After that week, it lost even more. After about 1 month, there was almost no one playing ODST.

    Also, how can you possibly conclude that 10 year old kids say that they got ripped off? I want you to look here. A topic about "ODST ripping us off" is up there constantly. If it weren't for deletion of these topics, the forum would be flooded by these threads.

    On a side note: this argument is once again completely off topic because we have gone into problems with ODST instead of expectations on Reach...
  8. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Im not disagreeing that they wont try to make the game campaign better, you must be retarded if you think that they wouldnt. I think it's like 0.2 million games are played on ODST everyday so I still think, hmm a couple of people are playing the game ¬.¬ You are going away from the point, I said saying Reach will be the opposite to ODST is not an expectation which you said was wrong but I have clearly pointed out it's not with logic and your going of the point.

    False fact, 5 million games were being played every day for over 2 weeks on ODST so thats not true ¬.¬

    Also, everyone knows is full of 13 year old's that are never satisfied about everything. Heres a fine example of one of these fine 13 year olds that hate the world. : Halo 3: ODST Forum : Did Bungie Trick Us?
    He thinks the multiplayer disk is a whole game -.- Also anyone that posts on any game-makers sites slagging off a game and expects the thread not to be removed and anyone that doesnt agree with that statement, is also quite honestly a dipshit.

    Also please explain to me why you think your post was not off topic, what has being ripped of got to do with an expectation for Reach. Please before you threaten me think about what your talking about. Also as already stated by me I will continue to make you look like an idiot if you continue to argue with me. Your trying to argue against me now for the sake of your pride..
  9. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    Hey, that's some flammable stuff you posted there.

    Anyways, what about the leaked pics? I think they could be fake because a needler + brute shot looks too much like a thing someone would create to get people's hopes up.
  10. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I flame people if when I call them out they get defensive.

    Dang I forgot to add no discussion about the leaks, unless I posted in one of my posts in the thread, I dunno. Neway ill comment on the leak. The leak will not be used as evidence in the thread because the leak could have been easily faked by someone with the right equipment, I know at least 2-3 people that can do it with quite some ease, it depends whether their sad enough to fake a few images, the leaks are also not very good because they were taken on a camera phone because "I didnt want my friend to know I was taking the pictures". Okay enough of the leak talking because it's discouraged on forgehub.
  11. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Having looked very close at the leaked pics, I have come to the personal conclusion that they are real. It just look too real for them to be fake. I highly doubt they were fake. They were all blurry and stuff because it was taken without permission from a camera phone. This whole idea is really off topic though.

    As for the OP, I would expect to see more custom game options. I would even expect to see a racing game variant due to the extreme popularity that racing has gained since the release of Halo 3. Infection started as zombies in Halo 2, Bungie realized how popular it was and came out with infection. I guess we will have to wait and see for that one.

    I would also expect to see some more additions to the theater mode. Pics and videos became very popular as well. I am sure the theater mode will be amazing!
  12. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    1. Some people go to great lengths to make fakes look real.
    2. Yes a few more options in the custom gametypes is plausible but this relies on the fact if there is a forge, it will be added to OP but if any news about reach such as there being no forge, it will be removed.
    3. No proof for that but if you come up with any then I will be glad to add it to OP.
  13. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Discussion will remain civil here (or at least more than the level it's at at the moment), or this thread will be locked.
  14. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Thanks, ill report all OT posts from now on, yes mike, that means you -.-
  15. DemonicPro

    DemonicPro Ancient

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    Why are you all pouncing on the 'Wish-List' guys? I thought it would be nice to have a little checklist on what improvements we'd all like, and have friendly discussion about it...
  16. Cornflakes Sam

    Cornflakes Sam Ancient

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    Well, I realy hope on a update in forge, and some new sweet vehicels would be verry cool. I also hope on some new enemies. =]
  17. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    In the Bungie Pentathalon, Bungie mentioned a brand-new game mode for reach. I can only guess what it could be, but I hope it's a space battle!

    I'm also fairly sure that the vehicle in the preview (aka the Falcon) will be a driveable vehicle.
    #57 Plasma Rifle Elite, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010
  18. BR3W3R

    BR3W3R Ancient
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    they mentioned the game mode a long time ago
  19. ninjabreadman47

    ninjabreadman47 Ancient

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    I'm expecting A.I. that is better than in halo 3. It is always annoying when the marines throw random gernades and drive you off the cliff and stuff like that.
  20. LieutenantLambo

    LieutenantLambo Ancient

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    Bungie Employees, please take notice:

    I think that they should add water to levels and make it more compatible with Forge. The few maps I've played that have executed maps-on-water concepts were great.

    Also, here's hoping they work on the lighting. I never really liked the lighting in the Crypt at all. It was way too sad and felt isolated. I'm sure I wasn't the only one.

    They should add more colors of lights, too. And the fact that you could constantly kill someone by hitting them in the back is stupid. When you set a gametype to have someone invincible, they should be invincible. Simple as that.

    Otherwise, what they've added so far seems to be good (besides the Hornet, those blades means that no one can ride at the top anymore, which was fun).

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