It sounds like its charging up in the beginning. Sort of like the spartan laser charge up sound. Anyone else think that or am I nuts?
BTW, you might as well change this thread's title to "Official Mystery Clip Discussion Thread." From the clip, I sort of gather this. It's probably a human weapon of sorts, since the whrrs, beeps, and clicks are all very human-Sci-Fi-ish. The noise pattern works like this. *Start up whrr* *beep beep* *click* *whrrr* *simultaneously with "whrr," thunk thunk thunk thunk (four rounds loaded)* *beep beep beep* *b-bang, bang bang (b-bang being two shots in rapid succession)* *whhhhhrrrr* *asplode, asplode, asplode, asplode* So, lots of whrring and cool noises, two shots fired in quick succession, two more shots fired, more noises, then four explosions, followed by silence. Thus, it's most likely a hand held weapon, as I don't know what sort of artillery piece would be able to fire that quickly without reloading. Whether it's held over-the-shoulder or not, that remains to be seen.
It honestly sounds more Covie than Human. The explosions don't really fit in with any other human weapons, they're more similar to Plasma grenades, Fuel Rods, and Wraith cannons... it must be the new Plasma Pistol =D
Yeah, a grunt prototype gone wrong, I could see a grunt shooting one of these badboys and getting knocked on his/her ass by the recoil XD
I don't hear this part for some reason, though I definitely do hear the 2 dull bangs before the 4 explosions. I'm definitely not going crazy, nor am I mentally retarded; I honestly don't hear them :x
I missed a lot. Only just reading all the reach info. I think the new weapons look sick! Can't wait for the beta to see how it plays.
The mystery weapon sounds super crazy awsome! It would be super embarrassing to use it , miss, and not score a kill.
I find the secred weapen sounds a lot like javelin from COD 6. First aiming, than shooting in the air en finnaly landing with a explosion on the ennemy. But with this are the four rockets.
Ya'll are still arguing over this??? I guess i should tell bungie to release some new stuff so we can talk about that instead of their one mystery clip.
Try listening to the clip with headphones. That's what I did, and it helps your ability to dissect the clip bit by bit.