After I watched the trailer, I couldn't believe that Marcus Fenix and Dom from Gears of War Series Joined Forces with Lost Planet 2. I think this is an amazing idea. combining Gears Fans and Lost Planet Fans Together. However, every time you switch something huge in the game. Its gonna take more time to make. Thats why Lost Planet 2 release date has changed again! This is the 4th Time. Nov 27th 2009 - Dec 26th 2009 - May 4th 2010 - May 18th 2010. This is plan stupidity. Why change the release date 4 times just to get it right. However, Adding these 2 characters could also be horriable. Instead of making the 3rd Gears, They are introducing the 2 characters in a different time zone. Again Lost Planet 2 and Gears have 2 different time zones. What do you guys think?
I thought you were just being an idiot when I read this...but then I searched for the video. This looks.....unusual Here's the trailer. It is indeed Marcus and Dom fighting Akrid from Lost Planet