Description: An excelltent Slayer and 1 sided CTF map, but supports all gametypes. Defenders start off in a fortified structure known as the Citadel, which occupies roughly 2.75 / 7ths of the map. Attackers start in each of the default bases and must battle thier way up to the top floor in order to obtain the flag / Plant the bomb etc. A series of catacombs beneath the Citadel and multifloored layout allows for Long and close range combat. Nearly any style of play can be effective, multiple pathways into each area make camping difficult, though possible. Multiple playtests and tweaks have made for a map that plays well and still support frenetic action. Also: Fixed hole in floor during asymmetrical games. The map boasts: 1 Machine gun turret (asymmetric spawn only) 1 Spartan Laser 1 Energy Sword (difficult to reach) 1 Trip Mine 1 Grav Lift 1 Active Man Cannon 2 Maulers 2 Shotguns 2 Sniper Rifles 2 Brute Shots 2 Regenerators 2 Power Drains 2 Magnums 2 SMGs (fast respawn) 2 Deployable Cover Units 2 Bubble Shields 2 Plasma Pistols 2 Firebomb Grenades 4 Plasma Rifles 4 Carbines 4 Spikers 6 Plasma Grenades 6 Battle Rifles Screenshots Download Citadel V3.4
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
What does this even mean?!?!? This is a pointless comment. Try not to do this anymore. It looks like you just are trying to get posts.
I'll tell you what, I was intrigued by the description to actually search through your screenshots and see what it looked like. My initial reaction was that it looks like a solid map, but there are 2 gripes I have with it. First,you definitely have too may weapons, you could probly cut everything in half and still have a solid weapon selection. Second, I noticed that you set up an armory which unfortunately is a no-no for a competitive map. It throws off the balance and encourages camping. Other than that it looks pretty good for a (I assume) first map.
From the pictures, this map looks pretty good, i just dont think you spent enought time to put the picturres in, if you put in the effort to make the forum look pretty people will be more attracted to it
1 ace say more than more pics needed (it puts you on the bad road) 2 if you need help your map looks pretty good and i would always be willing to help u post pics
It's my first time posting on FH. I'm not used to the new forgehub layout either. To address Creep1ng De4th, The armories were a tough decision for me. Initially, I tried having only the sniper, BR, and grenades in there, but people would get spawn-camped and the bases proved too difficult to defend without leaving, (which got you killed if you went alone) in multi-flag so I added the regen, Mauler & Power drain. Camping hasn't proved to be a problem in slayer, or any other game for that matter.
Thank you Mafia for the link above, it makes my job easier. LOCK Please repost your map correctly in a new thread.