Alot of people have been making there own asset maps and lets face it i can't compete but one thing i am known for is mixing it up a bit with my creativity... so with everyone making those i thought he ill make my own... AND BOOM IT HIT ME... i have been lazy with my maps and as you might of seen i don't finish them such as my save the vip or gridlocked... i know i am crap... lol anyways its like a book or movie where the princess is in a tower guarded by a dragon.... think of the princess the asset who can move on his own free will but will be covered by the enemies... he or she will have to wait for the rescuers to come up... the odst... and escort he or she out of there.... now it sounded all great and dandy until i had the problem of how do you separate the vip with the rest of the team... well i had ideas and more ideas but one came that was half way decent a picture will come up shortly.... it is to spawn them in a room where they use vehicles and spawn right out.... but the asset can't leave by that way... he or she jumps into a pathway where the others can't reach within 30seconds because the odst can jump on there heads up.... )-= cheaters... anyway he will enter a sink like room with a hole so when his teammates come to pick him up as a escort he will jump down the hole at own free will... the other team can't come in because the hole is to high up.... then they will escort hiim through the map and take him home on the other side.... but there is a time limit and if the vip dies it's game over for them the reason i posted this is to give you a heads up on my next project and yours... i will soon post picture of the starting room so you can possibly make your own if you want! (-= have any better ideas send me them and i will judge them but really i wan't someone to make a map for me because i am lazy... lol they will spawn in the room and the asset can't ride so he will have to jump and get in the other room before it exsplodes with a killball and the odst will go out the teles landing inside the otherside of the map and climb there way to get the vip out of his safe room in time and come back safely without vehicles because the asset can't get in on
There are 2 ways that I know of. If it is in the skybubble the 2nd one won't work however but the 2nd one is easier. 1st way- The Vip has high gravity making him heavier. At spawns everyone falls into a mancannon and get shot in the same direction into a teleporter. However there is a teleporter closer to the mancannon then the other teleporter which the VIP lands into since he has higher gravity. 2nd way- There is one starting point over a teleporter in the skybubble and one person goes into that teleporter into the spot that you want. Then the other people fall to their death and spawn the respawn points where you want them. You can't do on skybubble because the VIP can just jump over the edge and die. I don't know if this will work with asset since it has to be where the VIP dies once and the game ends...
Too bad they didn't.. I really don't understand why they didn't though; it would open up so many possibilities in VIP gametypes. I have a friend that has a system which works perfectly but the problem is it's very hard to recreate and the area he made it in, is in my opinion very inconveniencing. I don't think he wants me to give it away, but ask MetaWaddleDee about this.
Well, there is a very easy way to solve this problem, but it's also very budget consuming and you'll have to very slightly change the Asset gametype for it to work. First off, set the VIP Spawn traits so that the VIP is completely invulnerable for the first 5 to 10 seconds. Then, have the Defending team spawn where you want to keep the VIP seperated from everyone else. Have a bunch of fusion coils that never respawn in this room and one that falls from the sky that explodes and detonates the other fusion coils, killing the entire VIP's team, but not the VIP themself. Good idea, yes? =D
allright first of all okage your wrong... i can't make just the vip invincible for the first 5 seconds ... i wish... i have thought of that before and i was sad.... as for viet honor yes your right there are no such things as vip starting points i also wish there where these awesome things of awesome rifle i bet your friend does know a way and i hope to find it to........ as you can see though my way is somewhat cost effective and the only disadvantages are that it will take some room up in enemy base and there can't be vehicles.... at least for the odst that the vip will ride....... good suggestions though i just added pictures if you want the demonstration is on my fileshare at.... here
The thing that I see wrong with the game itself is the fact that the VIP is left out for half the match, being the princess in the tower, he will not get to play most of the time which can lead to not fun games, not meaning to discourage you, jsut thought I'd throw in my input
Keep it secret for a little while, I need to almost redo the map I made it for, but I'll post it with the release of the map.
Oh yeah... THAT system. I haven't seen it yet and I already know what it is and how to do it. I'll keep it on the down low as well.
no, it's not that at all. I tried to incorporate the system onto standoff but there just wasn't enough height and I already used a majority of the objects. I might try again, I only worked 20 minutes on it compared to your flawless system that took you a few hours.