Deathball:Back After 3 years to finish what's been begun. You and your friends bored? How about some explosively fun halo volleyball! If above links don't work- Map- Gametype- You and your friends must gather to defeat your foes, but not with fists, but with the power of the deathball. Deathball is a volleyball like sport game, where you and your team must take on the challange of getting the deathball over the enemy court. Both teams get a 6 sqaure court, with sheild doors surrounding the floor. The deathball bounces on the sheild doors keeping itself up in the air. You and you team are seperated by the enemy do to a see through wall. Using your gravity hammers and rockets, you must get the golf ball (Deathball) over the back of the enemys court. Once the deathball is in the back of a teams court, it is sent flying by mancannans into the pallet switch/mechinism. Their, the teleporter on the feild with unlock, letting the winning team grab the custome powerup. Again another teleporter leads then back to the map and with killer powers. Sounds complicated right? The picures will clear things up. Overview of the map Red side. [Wall and teleporters block players from cheating. Sheild Doors keep the deathball bouncing] Overview of Blue side [Flags keep the map looking good, and help the balls gravity stay in the air for a bit longer]- Picture of the games fate, the Holy Deathball- Overview of red side. Teleporter sender is blocked until the deathball goes over the enemys back court. Overview of blue side. Teleporter reciever sends players back to the feild when they have the powerup, and also stops campers. Back of enemys court. As seen, the tin cup attracts the golfball into the man cannons, thus setting off the pallet mechinism. [Ramp has been raised for faster reaction, and mancannon has been added with the grav lift] Picture, of pallet mechinism. [Deathball is sent through the mancannons and breaks the pallet at the far end, unlocking the teleporter reciver] Picture of the Deathball destroying pallet allowing players to the custom powerup- Picture of a player about to destroy his foe with the holy power of the deathball- --------- Created by R34P3R 0F D34TH Original Game by Solorn, called Fiery Deathball v2. Originally created in foundry 3 years ago, and with permission was recreated in sandbox. Speicail thanks to- Ianian 58 Captainmirch ---- I've also tryed to post this map twice, but gotten erased after I tryed to preview post. BTW- I know I'm new, If I missed something please point it out, and any constructive crittisim is a great help. The map was actually made a couple of months ago.
Haha this looks like a great idea! I would like to download to check if its cheatable but maybe i just don't understand it properly. Anywho it looks like a bunch of fun and something to add to the customs playlist!
best name you could think of hey? anyways they have a pong game out like this that is way better forged. there was a way better scoring mechanism involved aswell. you should search it and see how you can improve you variant.
Dude, this is amazing. It is such a great idea. I was trying to make a vollyball game, but this is just legendary! Great work!
Yea, haven't played it but I might take a look. That's really the best I have to offer when it comes to forging, I might practice But overall this is my best map, I'm thinking of new sport like maps. The goal for this was to make a sport like map that people actually enjoy, like griffball, ya know. I know the scoring mechinism was a bit weak, but ok. The pallet trick worked great for me, and wasn't that much of a bother too make.
The original Plan was too add fusion coils to fall on the losing team. I don't have the knowledge to do so, so if their is a link anywhere like such, please direct me, I'm going to work on a gameplay video today.
This is a nice enough idea but it doesn't work. Played it through there's no real objective other than getting the powerup. Perhaps switch the back walls with fusion coils to kill the enemy team with the golf ball or something. Keep working on it, those teleporters are just annoying too.
On the red side, after obtaining the custom powerup, you can jump up above the teleporter, go to the left and jump up on the end, upper right hand corner on the fourth picture, other than that its a fun map .
Great game. Loved playing it with a few freinds, it was very fun. I wish it had a better scoring mechanism though. Either way, it's a 4.5/5 map.