So it has come to this, a completely re-done v2 since the last map turned up so...uh.. crappy. If this map gets a positive response i will surely make other firefight maps. This map is supposed to play like the firefight maps in Halo 3 ODSTs Lost Platoon. Overview of map: Main part of base: View form back: Spartan Laser room: Map : Halo 3 File Details
You shouldn't have posted this in the first place if you knew you were going to make a v2 this quickly. You should have at least updated the original thread. It hasn't even been a day yet which means you probably haven't tested it much if at all. I will try to test it if I can and provide some feedback when I play it. I do admit though it looks better than your first version.
Oh, this is far better than your previous one. You improved the map's aesthetics so much, especially that roof. Overall map looks much cleaner, but you should find out if gameplay is still good. Still, great recovery from the V1!
I saw your first one and this is way better but you should make the spawn boxes in the skybox, or do the attackers come out of the spawn boxes? Do you have the gametype link?
I totaly agree with ya why would you build a fast crap map just so you could get your spot with last platoon, which there could be 10 versions idk take yourtimes with your map don't rush them or you get complaints like these ones
I didn't post a game type because basically any type of infection would work. Also theres a place in the skybox where the covenant get their weapons then take a teleporter randomly into one of the three spawn boxes
Where are the support beams for the glass roof that is held up in the firefight map? I can think of so many things to do on this map. 5/5 from me.
TpYourHouse do you mean at like the ends of the things sticking out from the warthog area? if so than thank you ill adjust that
Hey, I like the premise but you need to build a special gametype to work with your covie hopper spawn and vehicles or else the Warthog will be unstoppable. I made one for my map but I'm not sure how yours functions so you'd need to tweak it. You can use mine as a model or just add it as the DL but give me some credit for the latter plz. One last thing: I know that it's really effin hard to make horizontal slopes in Forge, but if you took the time and did a nice curved interlock job on the roof I think it would make it look much more like the map and less like a gas station no offense.
Honestly, I wish people would quit making ODST map remakes for Halo 3. ODST's firefight maps are not meant to be PvP, they're for firefight. The closest replication of firefight in H3 is Asset, and that still, is nothing like firefight. The map looks okay, there are some similarities, but I really cannot believe that this plays well. Yes, you cought me, I haven't actually played it, However, I really don't believe I need to to get to the same opinions. Anyone who has spent any amount of time playing Halo can tell that there are many qualities in this map that make for a bad experience. Just my opinion, by no means should it prevent you from forging whatever your heart wants.