Okay this is my first map, so don't be harsh. I got this Idea from whoever made the Helm's Deep V3 map, but I didn't really copy anything. Helms deep is a pretty sick battle and you can kinda play it with enough people, like say...4-16 people. Its an infection, so the humans are bound to lose eventually, unless you set a time limit. My favorite part of this map that makes it different is I use instant respawning spike grenades as fire arrows for them to fire back and forth. AND for doors I use the very end of a teleporter cover the rest of it and place a pallet in front of it so you can walk through it. As you can see its hard to explain. The humans have grav hammers to, but they are semi-hidden. So here is the Uruk-Hai caves, from which they pour out from to siege the castle. The caves have a horse (mongoose) and Saruman's Fire (flamethrower) and a bunch of arrows. Here is the overview of Helms Deep. There is a throne room that I kinda can't show you because the theatre camera can't go though teleporters, so... just imagine it. Here are the Elven Arrow towers, with instant respawning 'arrows.' And here is the winding staircase (i know, not the best.) The orcs cant get through the front gate, but a minute later, the orc ladder appears so you can just climb up the walls. And here are some brief action shots 'I cant get in!' Its the calvary! Calvary archer "Victory is nearly at hand" Slaughter some orcs. Here are the Links Map Gametype NOT A PRO MAP LOL
I love the infected spawn but this map is to plain there needs to be more places to go. Im sure you have money left so try and add some more features. first post
Yes, I could, but I ran out of ideas. I could just make bland 2 story houses inside Helms deep. And if you read the whole post, there is a throne room but no picture of it. I'll try to update a V2 if I can. I would just need more suggestions
This map has been done plenty of time before altho this is the first one i,ve seen on sandbox it looks pretty good, all you need is a few more spots here and there and then you have a pretty good map. Also go to Forging 101 Forging 101 - Forge Hub to learn about interlocking and geo merging these will help alot. i would like to see on the door a switch the infected can activate to open it or destroy it. Also how high can the infected jump because at the gate im pretty sure anyone could get in if it was normal infection. make the infected fast, but make there gravity high so it's harder for them to jump.
@Combat P3nguin I did plenty of interlocking, that is how the full wall fits perfectly, and this is a Lord of the Rings remake, so the zombies are just like normal spartans, they just have infinate live so their bound to win. As I said above, I'll try to make a V2. For the gate though, I tried making it out of pallets and weapon holders like other foundry helms deep maps, but I could not do it. So in the V2 I'll fill up the inside of helms deep with some simple buildings, maybe make some fusion coil catapults. Any suggestions on how to make the gate destroyable, but not to easily? Also keep coming the suggestions, my brains dry.
im not real good at switches myself i can do one but now i have forgoten it because i don't really use them when im making a map. To be sure i can't really tell you anything about switches, with the interlocking bit i see some but with the walls try to make some cover on the wall so you can walk across it and kill your infected people. Try curving the wall like the movie and try to make a iner wall like the movie that's if you have enough objects
I like the maps look in general but theirs really no big wow factor on the map that would pull me to constantly play the map. I still really enjoy the map gameplay though. All-in-all the ideas been done, the general map is alright, nothing to original here, Pretty fun gameplay though.