I was forging with a bunch of friends the other day, and one of them mentioned something about ghost-merging teleporters. Now, i need this for two upcoming maps, so I ask: Is is possible to Ghost-merge teleporters, or was the guy lying?
you can certainly ghost them, but ive heard of multiple methods, ive done a method in which you dummy two nodes, then you change the channel of either teleporter to 1 and grab and hold the channel 0 node, then once the other despawns set them to instant respawn, doesnt always work. no guaruntees
Yes, I've done it. If you need help just ask. All you need to do is get 2 senders, Then Place 2 gravlifts, After that Do the Ghost Merge method, Then After Pick up one of them. Make Sure that one is the first one that went off the Gravlift. Then Put the max on Max and Mini. Then Wait. Don't Move when your holding it. (Only Move it before you max the Max and Mini) If your Confused, Invite: Lil Jimmy95
Spawn 2 teleporters of the same kind, it does not matter what node they are on. Dummy them as you normally would, and pick one up. Ghost merging teleporters is a bit tedious imo, and sometimes takes one or more tries to do. But when the 2nd teleporter disappears, simply set the run time min to max and hopefully it has become ghost merged. If you don't believe me, look at what I did Also, I find it works better when the teleporter you want to despawn is pushed off a cliff and disappears faster.
I'm not gonna go out and say i made it up, but i do believe that i'm the first to post it on this website, i think i have a link to the thread i made in my signature about doing this.. But ill put it in steps for you of how i did it in the first place here: 1. dummy a teleporter 2. dummy a second 3. move the first one you dummied away from its spawn with another object (wall) 4. pick up the second dummied tele 5. once the first one dissapears just make the run-time-minimum to the amount on the map (just like when you normally dummy an object) 6. DONE! PS: making an object never to re spawn helps the process of ghost merging, since you can't do this with teleporters i think that it can mess up and cause the first one to re spawn, but it IS possible to ghost merge teleporters, if u want there is a video on you tube link here: YouTube- How to ghost merge teleporters Its not the best video but its the only one i could find.
You can just do the Up + X method... it doesn't work all the time, either, since you can't set them to Respawn: Never (sometimes instead of spawning the ghost node, it just spawns where you dummied it), but that's what I used in the past, and it worked fine.