Everyone thinks you're a girl, because they aren't that active on Forge Hub. Also because you've got a hot chick as your picture... Lol. Anyways, I'd try and finish it. But I'm not that great at making symmetrical maps, or MLG maps, and my Xbox is in Texas right now. Hehe... Good luck whoever gets it! (Given...)
Lol given apparently youre a woman now, I would suggest myselft but in all honesty I have no idea what an mlg map needs, I would probably turn it into a normal cometetive map somehow.
After taking a look at the map in forge, I withdrawl my name from consideration. While I do like the overall design, I fail to see how spawns will be able to work effectively, even with fantastic bases. Sorry, I have some other projects, and I just don't currently see this one as being particularly fruitful. Good luck though, and I hope you prove me wrong, cause it looks good.
Well thats it everyone. I have chosen to give the project to Given To Fly. Thanks to everyone who offered there help I really didnt think Id get many requests. Im so glad its in someone elses hands now and I hope your as excited as I am to see this map finished. Good luck Given To Fly Request this thread be locked plz EDIT: Lighthouse Im not sure how you can tell that the spawns wont work but Im sure Given To Fly will find a way to have effective spawn placement. I really do hope your an idiot and your wrong but coming from someone who lives and breaths forge that worries me
There's always concern with corner bases from the get-go, and you're particular design is especially narrow. There won't be many safe spawn locations no matter what you do with the bases. You may even find players constantly spawning near enemies, or in the opposite bases. Call it an educated guess. I hope I'm wrong, but honestly, I don't think I am. It wont be extreme, and it wont happen all the time, but itll be prevalent enough to be cause some trouble