I just came across this conspiracy reading a you tube comment (Yes I know, of all the places). Apparently though, alot of people believe it, and look into. I never heard/though of it, but its very 'interesting' once I started to read into. Here's the first website I recommend visiting showing a total analysis. I understand it's long, and I did not read it all, but look at key parts. Also some of the comments, and there's over 800, are pretty interesting. I suggest looking at them too. CLICK Here's an entire site dedicated to this theory. Multiple videos and such. CLICK Sorry for no summary on what I'm trying to portray, for it's complicated as hell. I just though it was creepy, and yet possible. I understand some of you might look at this as me being extremely gullible, but it's a very interesting thing to think about. I only hope it's not true.
Watched tot he end of the second video. Found it quite interesting. I've always had that viewpoint on the media etc, glad im not the only one and theres plenty of proof there. It does happen, maybe not as much as they make out but it definitely does and nothing can be done about it!
I was actually fairly creeped-out by how much actual proof (well kinda) that they had. I might actually look into this, it seems interesting, and while I hate to say that the article convinced me, it at least peaked my interest.
I've been looking in to the 'Illuminati'. Just take a quick search on youtube with that word, and look at all the videos. Forever there's always been conspiracies about an elite people controlling the world, and the 'Illuminati' is so far the most convincing. I'm glad you guys are also interested by it. I'll update the thread with more videos I find, and sources you guys would like to provide me with.
You get sucked into this stuff and almost believe it... until you see claims that Jay-Z and Lady Ga Ga are apart of the conspiracy. I can't wait until I'm famous and get to see what life story they form for me!
Some of it is obviously retarded, but talks of the Illuminati and things related are a bit reasonable. Still, I'm looking further into it. As it goes for the singers it's probably mostly crap, but there could be some truth behind it.
That's the thing though: There could. Not there is. IMO, because of the fact that the Illuminati is supposedly a secret society, nobody tells whether or not they're a member. This means anyone can be a member. If a celebrity says they are, people will be skeptical at first, but as they slow down and think about why a celebrity got famous, and what the Illuminati is made for and the kinds of members that were supposed to be in the group, then connections can be made.
This. The people that think everything is a conspiracy are just trying to make excuses as to why they suck at life.
I don't think the singers themselves even know what they are doing. I think they are played by others. &@ Shaddo. Dan Brown actually doesn't suck at life and he believes in this. Just because someone is different to you, doesn't mean everything is totally different to you. Kinda insulting tbh.