Perk: Invincible Number: Death Streak (10 Deaths) Effect: You suck so much at the game you're now invincible until you kill every player of the enemy team.
that's called 'painkiller'. Death Streak: Spawn Master (5 Deaths) Purpose: Choose anywhere to spawn on the map, apart from the enemies spawn.
I combined some previous said perks and came up with this. Tier 3 perk Hijacker: After you kill an enemy on a laptop, example Chopper gunner you can pick up the laptop and use the killstreak. (The enemy you killed no longer has access to the killstreak and the killstreaks duration does not reset when hijacked) Pro: (achieved by hijacking 20 killstreaks) An image of the killstreak inside an enemy care package is always visible and you can hijack an enemy care package at the same speed as your own. (does not apply to allied care packages)
Tier 1 perk Well Equipped: Replaces secondary grenades with an extra slot for equipment. Pro: Achieved by using equipment 75 times. Lets you choose the same equipment on your primary and secondary slot. (does not effect blast shield)
Slot 1 X-Ray Ability: All enemies flash red for a split second even through walls Pro Ability: All enemies flash red for 1 second and snipers show as a green flash To Obtain Pro Abiity: Kill 100 enemies after you use the perk Details: Allowed to use perk once every life. Slot 2 Earthquake Ability: All of the enemies screens shake for 5 seconds Pro Ability: All enemies also fall to the ground when used (Last stand-Pistol only) Reduces time needed to reuse. To Obtain Pro Ability: Kill 50 enemies still shoken by the earthquake Details: Allowed to use every 2 minutes with normal ability which is reduced to 1 minute 30 seconds for the pro ability Slot 3 Smile Ability: All of enemies in your flash are blinded for 3 seconds Pro Ability: All enemies in your flash are blinded for 5 seconds and widens the range of the flash Details: With the normal ability, your camera flash is a bit wider than a normal flash but when pro ability camera flash widens to maybe 3 times the normal width of a flash. It would work best in long hallways or wide open areas. You literally pull a camera out and press RT if you want to"Flash" anyone in your line of sight. Can use 1 time each life.
hijacker steal enemy crates as fast as your own pro: able to pick up the laptop after you kill a killstreak user.
The Rifleman tier 3 Purposeump shotguns fire at a 4x fire rate with full auto, and semi auto loses trigger cap. Pro:AA12 has a higher fire rate.
OMG it wont show me any new posts till I post (this bug has happened to me before) so I'm posting this and deleting it so IT WILL STOP!!!!!!!! Edit: I was worng..... I still can't see new posts....
Hijacker-when you kill someone, you steal their top unused killstreak. Pro-take enemies care packages as fast as you would your own.
wait... didn't i just say that? you got the same name perk but swapped the pro effect and the non pro effect around...
Whipped up a nice for ya Tier 2 perk Plague bearer: knifing an enemy causes there screen to flash green (similar to how your screen flashes red when your hurt) they will die after 15 seconds, during this time the enemy you just knifed spreads the plague to all his allies within a 15 meter radius. (other enemies if playing FFA) If he suicides it counts as your kill and if he/her is killed by a team mate it counts as an assist. Pro: Achieved by getting 40 two or more kills with one plague spread. Enemies infected by the perk have no HUD and cant see the green names on top of his/her ally and no red name on top of his/her enemy. Details: not too unbalanced because its just giving you a small chance of getting multiple kills with one knife, remember allies killing the infected still count as an assist, and the someone infected by the perks allies can't tell if they're infected or not so if they don't have a headset they're ****ed.
Death Streak: (if its allowed on this forum) Don't know what to name it, someone can make one up if they like. 5 death streak: Perks don't effect you. Wont that be annoying?