Trying to create a new XBL account because my old one is linked to a non-active email address so I can't use it for things like fileshare downloads etc. Anyway, I get to the Windows Live ID part and it says "Xbox Live signup is currently unavailable" and exits out of the whole process. So, what the hell?
Good god they do! I try to do it using my computer, I click the link that is supposed to take me to the account creation page and you know what happens?! Redirected to the home page, go Microsoft!
So what the hell do I do about it? I want to log in and get the Heroic Map Pack and activate this new account to play on, but I can't make the god damned account! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I got all the way past language to accept and then it screwed up again!
No, it finally worked, thanks though. It turned into a race, I kept having like 60 seconds or so before it would bug out of the menu so I had to do it as fast as I could.
I shot my xbox and sent it for repair, they wouldn't fix it so my point of this is microsoft hates us
call customer support ***** for along time and if they don't comply say you will buy a PS3. Also call that stupid voice activated asshole a douche.
lol, I distrust Sony products after a long history of them breaking suddenly and horribly. But yeah, gamertag made! Is there any way to change my posting ID?
I beleive that many of the current XBL problems are due to Christmas because all the little 12 year olds just got XBL and are taking over the servers.
I do hate that automated support guy ..... As far as why LIVE was having problems, it was an attempt to fix things broken by the dashboard update that broke more stuff. but apparently it's fixed now.
Does anyone know if XBOX LIVE is still having issues? My 360 and LIVE work just fine, but my brother-in-law's won't stay connected. I have a feeling it's because of the previous troubles, but I was just curious if anyone else was still having troubles as well.
I know how to fix it. First disconnect everything but the power supply. Power up the xbox 360 with a keyboard plugged into the back usb port. As it starts up, press and hold ctrl+shift+esc. As soon as the "XBOX 360" branding screen starts to go away, unplug the power cord from the back of the xbox. Now with the system unplugged, plug in the ethernet cord. Making sure the ethernet cord is secure, spin the Xbox 360 around your head 3 times, no more, no less. 2 times is not enough, 4 times is too many, and 5 times is right-out. Now plug everything back in and it should work.