I want to finish a map I'm making called Vehicle Bay, which has custom made vehicles using scenery, the Marauder, a UNSC Mech, and the Vulture, a UNSC Heli. I just want some ideas of what I should make, I already got the walls and legs of the Marauder made.
No but I do have a question about vehicals. Didn't Bungie say something about a UNSC vehical called the Puma, a six wheeled Warthog I beleive it was.
That's the word on upcoming DLC, buddy. But I just need ideas, because it's gonna be a scarab-like walker, just human style.
how big is the mech gonna be? do you want like a humanoid mech? or do u want like something from chromehounds/ mech assault
It's like the scarab, but changed so it seems more human like, so basically a walker mech. So it's probally gonna be about as big as the Scarab. You just asking if you wanna help build? Fine with me.
no im just trying to figure out what u waqnt it to look like. i got an idea as im typing; make it transform. over the course of the game set delayed spawns which will make it appear to change. do you understand?