Truth be told, I found this place through a friend of mine, Angseth. Out of sheer laziness, I was looking to download canvas maps for the Legendary Map Pack (So I wouldn't have to spend several hours deleting things myself). He suggested that I take a look around here for them. After seeing the forum, and the community built around it, I have decided I will stay. So, I suppose I am obligated in some way to tell you all about myself. There's not a whole lot to say, but I will attempt to make it as interesting as possible. I am 19, living in a hole-in-the-wall in Calgary, Alberta, and majoring in English at the University of Calgary. Currently i am just finishing my second year; my ultimate goal (Aside from improvement of my writing abilities) is to obtain a master's in creative writing and move on to a career in game design. Forging is one of the few things I find time to do on Halo anymore, I had stopped playing for a length of time because of how aggravating all of the trash-talking was getting. It seems to have improved slightly since my last venture on live, so perhaps I shall start playing games again. I'm staying the hell away from COD 4 though. I also suppose that, since I'm already writing you all a novel, I might as well include my: Contact Information Gamertag: Azrius Email: And there you have it. I should probably get back to studying for the final I've got at 3:30.
Welcome to ForgeHub. We hope you like it here Be aware that ForgeHub is way more than a canvas downloading website. You can do tons of stuff here. Plus, they've got great maps. If you hurry, maybe you can still sin up for the TGIF (Event where we play community forged maps) for next week. Just go on the Announcements board, and there should be a thread about it there. Once again, welcome to FH!
Holes-in-the-wall For The Win! You're in Canada, eh? Sorry for that, I couldn't resist. Welcome to the community. It's always nice to have someone who knows how to type on here. I get tired of the "leet speak". By the way, I just thought of something. As someone majoring in English, perhaps you could answer a grammar question for me. Above where I posted "leet speak" is it correct to put the period outside the quotation marks or inside them? I'm pretty anal about that sort of thing, and I never know.
I think outside but I dunno. Anyway, greetings! You may be the first new member who didn't use "leet speak" to introduce themselves. That in itself is an achievement!
The leetspeak comment is actually rather frightening. Is literacy on the internet discouraged nowadays, or are people in general just getting stupider? As for the grammar question, I believe that the period should go inside the quotation marks if it is part of the quotation, and outside if it is not....though placing it outside still looks rather odd to my eyes. Perhaps it's just me. Now, back to what I was doing before; trying to figure out just why the hell my completely inoffensive map description is evidently "not allowed on Xbox live."
Relax about that. Xbox Live is weird. I wanted to set my Motto as: ''Real Man of Genious'', but they didnt let me. Of course we all know genius is a pretty bad word huh!
Heh, I managed to get it working. But once I actually had it posted, I noticed a few graphical faults in the map that, while they do nothing detrimental to the playability, might possibly make some people unhappy about the map. Ah, well. What can you do?