Clicky! Lots of good stuff on Reach, there's weapon sounds, myth busters, and some other goodies. If you want to see what I picked up... -Reach will not support Natal -HUD will most likely not be yellow -Blurred out text found in this first person screenshot is not supposed to be there; it's merely extra UI text. >.> -AR may not have 600 round capacity, this is the same with the magnum's 50 -Falcon is flyable in campaign and multiplayer Onto the new weapon sounds, what do you guys think of them and what do you make of the 'super secret weapon'? I thought that it might've been a spartan laser, maybe a portable gauss cannon, but there seemed to be some kind of charge.
I thought about that, but Jorge carries around an LMG does he not? This weapon doesn't sound like anything that fires conventional rounds.
Alright, so the first part of the sound was definitely locking on. Then there was a charging sound. Next was a burst of 4 shots firing. Then each shot charges and explodes. I think it is some kind of energy weapon that fires grenade type projectiles. When they hit the ground, they charge for a second, then explode.
At first I expected the new weapon sound to be this weapon: (Now I've noticed that it does look alot like a shotgun, and probably is the shotgun) Which for some reason nobody seems to have noticed in any pics yet. Anyway, I'm guessing that it's gonna be a covenant weapon.
I think everyone has just assumed that its just a new shotgun Emile has there. As for the new gun... hmm. Well it sounds big. A charge time, four shots being launched from a big barrel then a delay before the projectiles arm and explode. Perhaps something to replace the Brute Shot?
I think that the mystery sound is from a Grenade Launcher of sorts, which probably uses the ammo that we see on Emile. There's actually a whole detailed thread that I saw on the Reach forums on Bnet, and I could post a link if anyone would like. I don't know if that would be considered advertising, though.
Personally, I think that's a new way to carry the Machine gun turret when you rip it off. Besides, the weapon Jorge is holding is a Machine gun, it has the spinning barrel and an ammo container, with that chain of ammo going from the turret into the container. I think that the mystery weapon is Covenant. That charging sound sounds very alien, so I guess it's a new weapon, possibly the Covenant equivalent of the Spartan Laser.
3D Radar looks pretty sweet. I'm really glad they're not making Reach for Natal. And is it just me, or do all the guns sound the same? (AR, DMR, and Sniper). I liked being able to hear what weapons were being used. :/
Those little sound clips kinda sound the same but i mean in h3 you could easily tell the difference between an Sniper and BR or AR so i'd assume it'd be the same for Reach.
I don't know if you guys remember the old "Tom Morello" leaked pictures, but of the them resembled a Spartan Laser. The difference was that it looked like it had a different barrel. Maybe we're hearing a cross between a Spartan Laser and a Rocket Launcher. YouTube - Tobacco Free Florida: Video Game They ran this a while back down here in Florida, and the rip off "Spartan Launcher" in the video could be something like the weapon we heard.
Upon closely listening to the mystery sound I've came to the conclusion that: It's a covenant weapon, obviously by the sound of the plasma grenades and the similar sound of a four shot fuel rod shot in the midst of it. Obviously sounds like it shoots plasma grenades in a spread type and has a charge time. My speculation says it could be a type of plasma grenade cannon as a replacement of the fuel rod cannon. Either that or it's just a grenade launcher that doesn't fire at long distances, you technically can't tell from the sound clip. Anyways, my agreement lies with that intellectual from who went deeper into this, but this is what I found from the just of it.
A more evolved version of this: The Gravity Gun YouTube - Secret Weapons on Halo CE Zanzibar 1 minute in
Covenant Anti-Air Weapon (answer to Falcon). Or Covie complement to Spartan Laser. It definitely fires 4 whatevers.. almost sounds like plasma grenades but I don't think thats it
I think the new sounds are amazing. I am very upset they didnt upload the shotgun actually. It's been completely remodeled and Im psyched to try it out and get a feel for it. Additionally, I think the mystery clip is either the new version of the spartan laser, or it could possibly even be for a revamped version of the scarab... though those havent been mentioned yet.
Im thinking that they are adding a new weapon type to the list. When you look at Jorge, he is holding something like an LMG/gatling gun. Maybe this is the Covenant equivalent which happens to explode? Either that, a covenant Missile Pod or it is the Spartan Laser.