Sandstorm (map idea)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Spicy Forges, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Don't trust the original thread...

    Anyway, what R happz?
    Well I have decided to go ahead and create this map.. with variations. The map is going to be the stock sandbox map but located in the desert and slightly excavated. This means that there will be broken sections in the ground, fallen columns, scaffolding, etc. The map will still have all the weapons, equipment and objective points in their original locations.

    The map will be made more for aesthetic purposes BUT it will playable with Slayer, Flag and Bomb (at least, if I can be bothered it will be setup for the other variants the stock map comes equiped with). You can have a say where you want this map posted: Competitive or Aesthetic maps. Just leave your vote in your comment.

    I will also update this thread weekly with new pictures. ATM I have placed the central thing and started building part of the floor (the desert slopes away so I have to place walls to create a floor. This is where the sand drops below the ground level as indicated by the central thing which I placed). It should be done by April. Yes, that sounds like a long time, but I only have the weekends free and that is only if I don't have assignments or homework due (I'm a good boy :p and want to work hard this year).
    #1 Spicy Forges, Jan 29, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2010
  2. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have to say that is an amazing idea! i dont have the time to pull somthing off like this but i hope someone will make this truly sectacular!
  3. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    If someone did do this I would hope they'd change the layout considerably.
    This since the default layout is just... bad.
    Perhaps reform it so that it resembles an excavation site.
    Put scaffolding in certain places as well as 'damage' the original layout. Make it look like the old Sandbox is being dug up.
  4. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    So basically the default sandbox layout but in the dunes??

    It sounds like an interesting idea but how would you stop people straying too far away..?
  5. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    There's this cool invention, we call it a wall.
  6. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    In my opinion the original sandbox level is awful. I wouldn't waste my time.
  7. Bubba Doongai

    Bubba Doongai Ancient
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    That probably wouldn't even be necessary. There's no reason for people to go further out because the fighting would be happening where it's supposed to, meaning going further out would reward you with no kills.
  8. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    That invention, the wall, would consume most of your budget and leave you very few things to actually accomplish in terms of map geometry.

    I would unblock certain guardian towers and leave some of them blocked.
    This would allow you to have the perimeter of the map to be safe while if anyone tries to go out of the map's bounds, they will be shot by the unblocked guardians.
  9. HaX0r U

    HaX0r U Ancient
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    Its an okay idea.
  10. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I'd rather see the original sandbox in the sky bubble...
    Then you wont need a wall!
  11. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    But you'd need a floor...

    This sounds like a pretty good idea. I like what a couple people said about putting some scaffolding in some places and "destroying" parts of the map.
    And I'd go with Shanon's idea of blocking some of the guardians off, and keeping some of them unblocked.
    Depending on where you build it, you'd probably have to block 3-4 towers.
  12. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    SIGGED :L. Meh sounds like a good idea, if done properlly, if not it will be recreating an already bad map. Take some ideas from the thread and have a go yourself. I BELIEVE IN YHOO
  13. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Ok, I know what Im gonna do. Every weekend I get time to play xbox, so every weekend I'll work a little bit on the map.
    I have decided that the map is going to be the original sandbox BUT it will look like people have started excavating it but then left. There will be scaffolding, broken columns, broken bases but will still play all the same as the stock sandbox. The reason I am keeping as the stock sandbox map but moved is because I really want it to be an aesthetic map rather than a competitive map.
  14. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Definetely a cool idea. I can help out here and there a little bit. Although I am kind of busy, just try bugging me sometime I guess.
  15. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Ok, will do Noxiw
  16. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Besides the point of there being no reason to leave the map, you could also make a KOTH gametye where you die if your not in the hill and just make it so the hill takes up the whole map. Then make it so you get points by getting kills. But that would only work for TS :(
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    First off, The original sandbox map was horrendous so I see no reason to recreate it. I still like the idea of a normal sized map out in the dunes though, so there is something I am willing to help you with. It seems so wasteful to me to build a wall around your entire map, and too detrimental to gameplay to leave it open, but I have a solution. Use what god (or in this case bungie) gave you. The guardians have a few set principles, one laser (opposite the player) will first begin firing, and if it fails, another laser (closest to opposite the player) will also begin firing. If you build the map near the edge, between two towers, the opposite towers can be selectively blocked to kill only those who stray far from the map.

    I can nearly gurantee you will not understand this the first time or be able to easily accomplish it, but the end result can make your map work. I am willing to help.

    I once used this in a trick map with a banshee that would kill the player upon launch, yet if the player stayed in a predetermined area, he was safe. I never got this to funcion in a map nor did I have the need to, but I loved the concept.
  18. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    I didn't know that the second tower would open fire if the first failed, but I had noticed that the towers fire at players across from them... Never thought of selectively unblocking the Guardians, though. Great idea!

    To the OP: there's a very nice, flat-ish area in the dunes, overlooking the central area. It's to the northwest, if you use the AR's compass (or the sun -- the sun is off to the east.) This would probably be ideal for forging something in the dunes -- the flat surface would be easy to work with, and it'd be easier to keep things more-or-less level (even when ghostmerging).
  19. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    @Pyro6666 - Yeah I know this is what I am already putting the map. The idea do that came from Rifte Gifle's Desert Package which also has that same idea.

    @DavidJCobb - Way ahead of you man, will posts some screenshots soon.

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