you know.. now that i see people doing stuff with like the legendary symbol.. i think its totally fine that i did the forge hand and hari, that is awesome! i wouldnt be surprised if that won.
Whipped this up in a couple of minutes, will probably make it cleaner and stuff. Any suggestions on how to make the spear more appealing? Fish on Spear Just for kicks. As a little back story, in Halo 2 my GT was zeslipperyfish, and I was always upset because they never had a fish related emblem. Now they can... possibly.
Want. Now. But maybe you should adapt it to fit with the face masks. You know, for evil eyes and stuff.
I am willing to submit anyone's emblems that they want in. I am eligible to submit and they have no restriction on the number of submissions. If you want something in reach, I can give you a chance to put it there.
I could of swore they said you can only submit one, and that all other submissions by you (besides the first one) will be disqualified.
Someone should make the monitor in vector form so we can show our Forge-ness in something other than what Knight made.
ive read the whole post like 4 times now. Why would they disqualify good ideas? Thats all its about. Good ideas. You dont win anything. They are just out of good ideas. all my entries so far:
Legal reasons... "You may only submit one (1) entry. If you submit more than one (1) entry, all entries submitted after the first entry will be disqualified. To submit your entry, visit : 1 Billion Rumors Busted and Counting and follow the directions provided to register and submit your emblem. Lost, late, incomplete, inaccurate, stolen, misdirected, undelivered and/or garbled entries as well as entries generated by any script, macro or other automated means will be disqualified." Taken from this article - Emblem Contest Rules and Regulations
Those are excellent Hari! I sure wish more than one could win, because so far I'm won over by the Fish by Sweeny, and the Gravity Hammer wielding Spartan by you Hari.
testing... testing. what i posted during the downtime; found it: : Emblem Contest Rules and Regulations : 5/2/2007 10:52 AM PDT but Hari's right, they want ideas, there are no prizes. so heres what i say we do: COMMUNITY PROJECT! Each player that is elegible can submit their one fav or whatever, but we will create a thread (or use this one) to discuss and collect a huge colaboration of a bunch of emblems that we can post on the bungie forums/send to bungie anyways, with a note at the end saying "Love forgehub GnA"
Everyone needs to realize any entry after their first one is not going to have any chance of winning, also you need to realize that using things already in halo is using someone elses artwork, which also is not allowed... in other word, you need to be making theses from scratch and only enter once per gamertag at the very least.
its k, we fixed em all. so anyways back to what the discussion was before.. so what bungie wants is actually just ideas. we should make as many as we want and post a large colab of all of them for bungie to check out
It may be beneficial to start a thread to gather the names of people who are willing to submit an emblem for someone since we can only do one. That way we could actually vet as many ideas out there as we can