CTF Flag Return Glitch

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by rtschutter, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. rtschutter

    rtschutter Ancient
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    Every now and then during one of our CTF matches on my custom Foundry map, a flag will return after approximately 3 seconds. The Flag reset time is 30 seconds, and the flag return time (with a player returning it) is 10 seconds. Can anyone help me get to the bottom of this?

    I have a video of it happening twice in one game (it is rare to begin with..so this really sucked for the other team). Unfortunately xbox live is down at this particular moment. I will upload it an link it as soon as possible. The video is rather lengthy, but if you have the patience to sit down and fast forward to 17:50 and 20:38 you will see it occur on the blue flag.

    I believe in both of the cases demonstrated in the video the flag is on a 'double wall' being used as a platform. But I have seen this happen on fence walls, fence boxes, and even double boxes.

    Is anyone familiar with this glitch by chance? Know the cause? Have a solution? It is difficult to have a good competitive game with this kind of bug interfering.


    Alright here is a film clip cut down so you don't have to watch the amazing match that took place before it.


    Watch the blue flag at 0:10 and 3:00
    #1 rtschutter, Apr 23, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2008
  2. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    please do not double post, just edit your origional post.
    i shall watch the vid and return if i have any ideas.
  3. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    If you're absolutely certain that "Touch Return" is disabled, then this is strange indeed.

    I will watch the film and f-fwd to the aformentioned times.

  4. rtschutter

    rtschutter Ancient
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    Touch return is definately disabled. If you watch the first instance of it happening from my (RT Schutter's) perspective in first person you will see the flag return timer getting about 30% of the way in before it just returns.

    I deleted my second post and added it to the end of my first. Since they were almost an hour apart I thought it might be wise to alert people that the movie had actually been posted now that xbox live was up.
    #4 rtschutter, Apr 23, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2008

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