I made this image but it just doesn't look right and I don't know why!!! v2 v3 (a bit different but looks good right!?!) v4 Any idea what I'm missing?
Added a mountain and changed the texture a bit. I'll fix that when I get time.... FH was down when I made v2 so I couldn't check any posts. :S
its too clean to be realistic... in other words, the ground cant be perfectly flat, it needs some vegitation, and obviously the lines in the canyon need variation, and the water needs to look more watery instead of blue.
k wait a second. you have signs of erosion due to gravity.... (the shape of the sides of the canyon) but then the horizontal lines. u should totally fix that
The lines in the canyon are layers of compacted sediment, and the canyon itself is carved by erosion from the river more than anything.
I think it would look nicer if it had some more shrubbery/cacti, which has been mentioned, but would look a bit more realistic if you added some bumps and holes along the desert. It looks flat... too flat.
it looks like its missing something because the sand texture is like a pattern repeated over and over and over and over and over and over, so it looks bland and there are no points of interest on the ground. look at some photos of these sort of environments, you'll se that there are bits of the ground that will stand out more than others
Added bumps, changed the texture (land and water) alot and made it uneven. I tryed shrubs, plants and cactus but they just didn't seem to fit in with the texture.
The shadows are far too harsh. You have to think of this realisticly, the sand is a bright colour, so there will be plenty of light reflected and bouncing around everywhere. The contrast between light and dark will be fairly minimal, and the edges of shadows will be noisy. After that, the colours should probably be returned to a more orangy colour, atleast for rockfaces.
V3 is looking much better, but I agree with Matty that the shadows are too harsh. I thought the water looked better before, too: I think that it could use some waves or reflection-y things.
v4 is up! Not much of a change because I didn't have much to work with... Must be just about right with the picture! -Watter and land texture changed. -Everything is now brighter. -Shadows are weaker. - And lastly, the mountain was moved back slighty. Oh yea, I may not be able to upgrade the pic as much because I'm back to school in 2 days. :S