BFBC 2 Discushionzzz

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by B3NW, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Battlefield Bad Company 2 Discussion Thread

    Discuss all things battlefield here.
    #1 B3NW, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2010
  2. J4M NUTST3R

    J4M NUTST3R Ancient
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    It finished downloading and then my dad stole the TV D:.

    I'll play it later. Loving the interface though :p
    #2 J4M NUTST3R, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010
  3. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yeah, my sis is being a ***** and ****ing up my internet, I was doing sick then all of a sudden LAGG ;l

    Sniper is ****ing sick, you should try a few games with only snipe. Powerful as hell.
  4. J4M NUTST3R

    J4M NUTST3R Ancient
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    That's what i was going to try first :p.

    I've heard you drop in on a parachute, correct? sounds awesome.
  5. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yeah yeah man, ****ing awesome dropping in. You can also jump down large hills and buildings and parachute as well which is really useful (Glitch? I dunno). Hit me up any time tomorrow and ill play with u. Internet is still a bit laggy atm.
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    90% downloaded : D Any specific gametypes out right now? Or is just oldies like conquest?
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Land rush I believe it is called. Two teams of 12, one attack, one defence. Attack parachutes in and basicly attacks two bases at a time, you plant charges in there and blow the bases up and defenders, you guessed it, fend them off. Normally ends in attackers getting to dock yard. If its a good team they will get to the last two bases with ease.
  8. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    The game itself is really good, but the sensitivity is killing me. I usually play on an insane sensitivity, but i have it maxed here and it still isnt good enough. Looking around is very slow and vision is terribly blurry. Overall my experience so far has been pretty much like being drugged heavily and then handed an unreliable gun. I LOVED BC1, but this is a disappointment.
  9. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    It was okay.. the gameplay, new weapons and what not were good, I didn't like the change in some controls though, nor do I like not being able to hold the knife as long as you want. But it's mainly the map that I dislike, I didn't like how close quarters it was.
  10. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    aww, worst time to be grounded from xbox :(
    I'm soooo excited for this game! I've been looking at gameplay vids of sniping and I orgasm nearly every time I watch one. This. Game. Will. Kick. MW2's. Ass. I hope...
    I will be happy to have something else worth of playing at least.
  11. Unfair Teamz

    Unfair Teamz Ancient

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    84% done...cant wait to check it out. hope its as good as the first
  12. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I played it for a good 2 hours, and I suck balls. I don't know if its me being so new to the whole Battlefield gaming or everyone I played was brilliant. I always have a thing where I can't see any1 anywhere and then all of a sudden I'm dead. I can't see people and they always see me. There are even really dark buildings on the map and people still somehow kill me in them.

    The assault rifle iron sights isn't great and I was killed by a guy that shot me from so far away that he looked like an ant through my sniper scope.

    On a happier note, I still find the game lots of fun. Driving vehicles and mounting turrets are great fun.
  13. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yeah the style of gameplay takes some getting used to. Give it a day and you will be a pro ;p Hit me up if you want to me to teach you some techniques etc. Im good at storming buildings..
  14. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I have been playing it and so far the snipers have been a bit overpowering on the first part of the demo map. The attacking side has an incredibly good view in many different places and the defenders spend their time dealing with the people rushing the base and can barely take care of finding a sniper hidden in a forest at the top of a hill.

    I still think the game is great, but it pisses me off because there is no health bar so when my screen stops turning red, it seems like Im at 100% HP, but I am weaker than other people...
    Im also hating how you need to rely on teammates to get ammo...

    BTW: parachutes=win
  15. Unfair Teamz

    Unfair Teamz Ancient

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    its so much fun and i enjoy it a lot, especially messing around in the blackhawk. but the melee doesnt seem to work all the time
  16. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    I love the change in controls I got used to it faster than the first BF BC. anyways this game is just a fricking beast, the sniping is so fun especially when you are pulling of head shots like crazy but the bullet drop in the game takes a little getting used to. I also love the atv I just charge in when I'm not sniping and get roadkillz, I find the helicopter a little hard to control when a teammate got in the next thing I know is that I crashed landed and I survived while my teammate on the gun went down with it. Well anyways this is going and will take MW2's seat as best shooter ever.
    #16 spartin2000, Jan 29, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2010
  17. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    First of all, I thought the original was an almost perfect FPS MP experience. I loved the online of BFBC. Now, it seems they merged with CoD with the bullshit "red screen" health system and the unrealistic "1 knife per 3 seconds." The health from the original is what made the game. It was realistic, and one of the perks of the Assault class was being able to heal yourself on the run. It really limited snipers as well since they could camp up in the hills somewhere, but unless they had a medic nearby, would eventually take enough damage to die. The health just seemed to really balance the gameplay, and I saw no reason to change it. The knife system worked extremely well in BFBC1. You could whip out your knife in a flash (faster than you can now), and you could hold it and swing it almost continuously if you missed the person for no apparent reason (still happens in BFBC2). I also loved the sights and sounds of BFBC1. There was beautiful scenery and vibrant colors, but it seems that, again, they went with a more CoD style color scheme. Maybe the other maps will be brighter, but the one in the demo was very bland and wasn't very appealing. The sounds were amazing in the original. I loved firing my M16 and every explosion and bullet whizzing past you felt so real. Now it seems like we are playing with paintball guns and the other sounds suffered as well (except for getting verbally teabagged when you get killed). I was just really disappointed with how they they decided to go more "mainstream" and make BFBC2 like all the other generic shooters instead of sticking with the original setup. Sorry for the rant, but I needed to vent.

    However, after several games (and unlocking the XM8) I got used to it and started to enjoy myself. It's still better than CoD... I love the vehicles, and I like how they have "Bad Company 1" control options. Although it's not completely the same, it works better than the default, imo. The most fun I had is when the other team only had two people, and I spent 30 minutes driving around on the ATV. =p

    If anyone would like to play with me, feel free to add Str8 Goosin (I'm always in the top 5 of my team).
  18. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I played it for about an hour, and I'm disappointed.
    I expected a lot more, given the limited E3 coverage and numerous sneak peak videos.

    The gameplay was just....boring.
  19. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    it was okay, the attacking snipers were just stupid in the beggining of the demo. not only do they rarely get kills from ontop the mountains, they don't help the people doing something in the actual combat.
  20. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I loved the first game. It was perfect.

    Then, they ****ed it all up.

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