This is really just a display of a kind of new concept I had for a door. I'm almost positive it's been thought of, but maybe not done... Its a door you can walk through, but can't see through! Well, actually it's two doors...made out of tin cups. PICTURES! There's not really much to it...but if anyone wants to use it in a map they have, be my guest. It would also make a pretty sweet centerpiece for a stab-out map.
Yeah i think someone has done something similar but never incorporated it into a map. Still nice work. I might use it for just a screw around map.
Yeah, this used to be done on the older maps using teleporters, but it led to laggy laggy LAGGY gameplay in the immediate vicinity.
I've tested it with the tin-cup bars before, but never the flags. It's a cool idea, one that I might consider. However, I don't know how laggy it would be.
I love the metal pole door. I do have one question: Are you able to throw grenades through it? Either way, it would still make a marvelous addition.
Yah ive done this before right when ghostmerging came out, but disregarded the idea. So good idea maybe putting it in a map
I like the idea and doubt anyone has tried it, I have seen the Iron Bubble a partial sphere made of teleporters to block bullets and visibility but easy to walk through.
Nice idea. I've thought about doing it with Bomb Plants or Flag Return points. I had an idea to use one like a drain cover, you score the flag or plant the bomb then fall down a hidden hole!
Well you can and can't, the hitbox for the pole is a little inside of it, so there are small gaps between the poles that you can toss through.