Scarab City Map: Scarab City Gametype: Scarab Bomb Description: Combining the power of the Halo 2 scarab cannon with the body of the Halo 3 scarab design, makes one heck of a Covenant super weapon. This “super-scarab” has been a significantly upgraded scarab compared to my old one. With the help of Ghost Merging all my ideas for a bigger, badder, and better scarab were coming true. With an improved…just about everything, you get a real experience that suites everyone’s needs. The gametype is all about trying to plant the bomb in the scarab. This map/gametype is not supposed to be Human vs. Covenant, just an even playing field with a cool theme. The arena in which you fight in is an almost firefight type themed map; there are the familiar giant rectangular barricades like in ODST. For all the Asset Map lovers out there (I am one too), I have been trying to make this map into a creative asset map. I haven’t had the time to make everything perfect yet but I will need testers when I’m done. [FONT="]If you want to read the story of the asset version of this map click the spoiler: [/FONT] Spoiler Deep within the urban depths of New Mombasa the Covenant were on the breakthrough of ending this war and annihilating the city completely. Under the enemies’ sleeves was a new weapon of mass destruction ready for its first test drive. What they had was a new type of scarab tank; only one was made because of its tremendous size and insufficient energy use, but this beast alone could wipe out half the city before you could even release your breath you were holding when you first laid eyes on this alien machine. When the Covenant Cruiser jumped into slip space, soon followed by a shower of drop pods containing the threatened hell-jumpers, one squad landed where the newly designed scarab was being slowly powered up. With the combination of the giant flower-like cannon from previous scarabs and the body and turret of the newer ones, (plus twice the size), this scarab was going to take a while to power up. The Covenant knowing they would not get this monstrosity working in time to take out the ODST’s that had just landed, had to send waves of their own kind to defend the scarab while it powered up. One thing they didn’t count on during this battle was that one of the Engineers, who the Brutes used during this war, had escaped earlier to help the ODST’s when the Covenant was setting up the scarab. With the help of the Engineer, the ODST’s actually stood a chance against the new Covenant weapon. The Engineer, with the aid of the ODST’s, could find its way to the scarabs’ power core and disable the scarab from the inside. Weapons: Assault Rifle: 2x …… instant …… 2 spare clips Battle Rifle: 2x …… 30 sec …… 2 spare clips SMG: 2x …… instant …… 2 spare clips Shotgun: 1x …… 60 sec …… 2 spare clips Sniper Rifle: 1x …… 60 sec …… 0 spare clips Rocket Launcher: 1x …… 120 sec …… 2 spare clips Missile Pod: 1x …… place at start no …… 120 sec Machine Gun Turret: 1x …… 60 sec Frag Grenade: 4x …… 20 sec Plasma Rifle: 2x …… instant Covenant Carbine: 2x …… 30 sec …… 2 spare clips Plasma Pistol: 2x …… 45 sec Mauler: 2x …… 60 sec …… 1 spare clip Spiker: 2x …… instant …… 2 spare clips Brute Shot: 2x …… 45 sec …… 0 spare clips Fuel Rod Gun: 1x …… 90 sec …… 1 spare clip Plasma Cannon (not counting Scarab Turret): 3x …… 180 sec Plasma Grenade: 4x …… 60 sec Spike Grenade: 2x …… 30 sec Bubble Shield: 1x …… 90 sec Warthog: 2x …… instant Mongoose: 1x …… 30 sec Ghost: 1x …… 45 sec Chopper: 2x …… 120 sec Wraith (fixed in place): 1x …… 60 sec Gametype Description: So far we’ve covered one team planting a bomb in a scarab to win the round. Here is more info: · 4 rounds · 6-16 players · Bomb spawn on bomb plant · 10 seconds to plant bomb · 15 seconds to blow up · 15 seconds to disarm (it is possible to disarm it if you start disarming right when bomb has been planted) ·Bomb carrier turns green · Respawn with 5 second Invulnerability and Invisibility · 8 minute rounds There are two ways to board the scarab; through the back by a conveniently placed gravity lift or climbing up the side of the slightly destroyed building from the scarab leg. This scarab is NOT supposed to be an exact remake of the Halo 3 scarab. You will find extremely similar designs on this scarab but I just added my own little tweaks to it. As far as spawning goes, "spawn camping" is very unlikely. As I have said in the gametype description, you will respawn being invisible and invulnerable. ---For the Covenant/Defenders, they will respawn either in the body of the scarab, on the side platforms where the turrets are, or on the platform supporting the scarab's main turret. ---For the Humans/Attackers, they will respawn behind every rectangular barricade with weapons at there feet or at least nearby. With being invincible for 5 seconds plus the enemy can't see you (for both teams that is), you will have plenty of time to make your escape or run to the rocket launcher. Hope you enjoy!
The idea is nice, but I would love to see more than one picture. What does the defender's base look like? What about the inside of the scarab? EDIT: Weird, only 1 picture loaded for me at first. Anyways, this looks beautiful. Perfect for 1 bomb. As soon as I clear some space, I'll give a more in-depth review.
It's an ingenious idea for the bomb to in the scarab like campaign. Your representation of the scarab is wonderfull too. I'm sure the one-bomb gametype will work great and i cant wait for the asset version. Also, it might disrupt the gameplay balance, but i think a transport hornet for the attackers would be pretty cool. (You could drop of the hornet onto the Scarab) Anyway, great job 9/10 BTW: the idea with the teleporter for the wraith is genius, and how did you manage to fix it in place?
It's really not that hard to fix a wraith in place, let's say compared to a scorpion. There are two pairs of fins on each side of the wraith with a sort-of indent in the middle of them. If you put any non-movable object in the indent then the wraith can't go forwards or backwards. Also about the teleporters; it was a major problem with my last scarab when you would get out of the wraith (you would just fall off the scarab). Thanks for the comments!
This is just an idea but if you have any extra receiver nodes you could hid a sender node in the crypt and set it on a different channel and place extra receiver nodes also on that channel to make the front glow green like its about to fire.
you should make the top turret a banshee with the tin cups. a lot more powerful than your standard turret. Looks really good though, easily the best scarab I've ever seen.
I KNOW YOU!!! YOU MADE THAT MINATAUR MAZE thing that would change every time!! i love you! this looks great my only concern is that the defenders can get off the scarab and if there is only one spawn hive for attackers then they can get spawn killed seeing that there is little cover. perhaps a 3 level building with spawns n the inside?
Thanks for the comments. I actually did not make the maze map you're talking about but I did come up with the idea for how it would change every time. Anyways I just updated the page with spawning details that I hope will meet your criteria. It is supposed to be a little uneven so the Attackers will have a challenge getting on the scarab. P.S. There used to be banshees and hornets which caused so much spawn camping you couldn't believe it! P.P.S. I ran out of budget money so no extra buildings.
2 things for my first ever post: 1. This map is awesome, only tip I can think of is to get better cannons, wraith and plasma cannon aren't too good, especially for aesthetics. Try a sentinel beam or FRG, and another FRG for the rear AA gun, but the wraith is more important to get rid of. 2. Where's that minotaur maze that changes?! Forget the forum thread, just gimme the link to the file share on and I'll download, because I cannot think of how it could change. Gimme link! Plz?! 3. Side points: getting rid of wraith would make the front smaller, prettier (to continue the -er thingy) and easier (see?) to access. Also, someone may have mentioned this here, or in another thread, but no scarab i've seen has curving back thingies. Would be hard with the budget though... Anyway, good work!