Link Some Concept Art, Some Screenshots and some info NOBLE Team. Also there is a letter from Franklin Mendez to Kurt Ambrose. Mendez was in charge of training the Spartan IIs and Kurt was a Spartan II but was given a fake last name and was put in charge of the Spartan III program on Onyx. Ackerson was in charge of the Spartan III program like Dr. Halsey was in charge of the Spartan II program. EDIT: Did someone seriously beat me to this in the Game Informer Thread. Oh well not everyone is gonna be checking all the posts in that thread so I guess it is still good I posted this.
Um yeah Skirmishers, cousin to the Jackal. I think they replace the Jackal in the game or who knows maybe their is Jackals and Skirmishers both
Jackals used to be Snipers or a Defense Unit, Skirmishers are a way to make them an attacker but I'm pretty sure Jackals are still in the game.
Yeah, there's still Jackals in the game. There's a screenshot with a dead one off to the left somewhere around here.