Or did Bungie bother to get outside of The Pit and place random objects which add to the OLN and budget. Example: Next to the Troop Hog is a barrier that you are able to pick up and delete, and when its deleted it gives you some more budget. Any idea why these objects are here, inaccessible but still editable and destroyable?
They most likely put it there not realizing someone would get out there. A.K.A bungie got bored and did it because they can.
I noticed that a loooonnnggg time ago. It's as if Bungie purposely did it, i havn't seen any other maps with items outside of map boundries.
When you delete all the barriers on the map(Except the one outside map boundaries), does it still say there is 1 barrier left?
Along long time ago when I was "cleaning" all the maps to have the canvases (DLC wasn't out at this point) I searched for what seemed to be FOREVER for those few objects. I then discovered them out there and was angry. I could have used that barrier to finish blocking something off. >=(