Sandbox Vanguard

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by RoyOfRuin, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. RoyOfRuin

    RoyOfRuin Ancient

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    Hello this is one of 4 maps that i will be releasing Vangaurd is symmetrical and can be used with any team objective game.

    Weapon list:
    Battle Rifles 8x
    needlers x4
    Sniper Rifles x2
    Spiker Rifles x4
    Energy Swords x4
    Magnum x2
    Missile Pod x2
    Shotguns x4

    Back of Red Base (Blue is the same)
    Front View(blue is Same)
    Gauss "Turret" merged to be immovable
    Top View of Middle "Trench" Blocks Line of sight overshield in middle
    Inside Of Base Mongi,geese,gooses ect. bubble shield located inside
    "Action Shot"
    Action Shot
    Thanks for viewing leave comments after downloading tell me what i can improve on this map! Special Thanks To Smoothedtiger for bringing people to help beta test my map!
    #1 RoyOfRuin, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010
  2. RoyOfRuin

    RoyOfRuin Ancient

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    Oh i forgot there is a rocket launcher behind each Gauss turret at each base! Sorry for forgetting to post that.
  3. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im not going to be really rude or offensive here but i know your pretty new ( 20 posts) This map is to over powering, to many weapons and vehicals ect, i don't know why you have 4 swords when players can be picked off easy with the sniper and br.

    Weapons, Vehicles, equipment and Structures


    1. Take all of the swords and shotguns off because they are mostly useless in open combat
    2. All weapons are at the bases which means everyone has a power weapon which increases players to hate the game, and weapons should be placed around the map evenly.
    3. All of your weapons are mostly for total destruction on a map that has no cover which means, EVERYBODY is going to die very fast.

    4. I see in one of your pictures you have a SMG you have not stated that there are SMG on the map, are they on the map or are they not?


    1. So many vehicles all of them are going to domiate the battle ground i recomend taking over the both Horrnets, Guss Warhogs, 2 normal warthogs, mostly likely the choppers.

    2. There really only should be 2 normal warthogs and 2 moongooses, The chopper really depends on gameplay which could get hectic.


    1. I see overshield, fire bomb granades thats really all i can see, the overshield is fine, the firebomb granades really don't work on most maps, it really depends on gameplay.


    1. Ok where do i start sinse your new go to this place Forging 101 - Forge Hub

    Forgehub is a community to help forges the ability to forge very well made maps, sharing wit the community is the best thing to do.

    2. Sinse your new i can't really say much to you that makes sense about forging, you know how to interlock which is one of the main reasons why maps look so smooth, Geo merging is the next step it's a lot harder but the outcome is even greater. There are plenty off stuff you can learn but you really have to practice.

    3. With your bases umm you might have to really think about what goes where with weapons and equipment, you really need to add more stuctures to the map and make sure both teams have a suitable amount of cover.

    If you need to ask any questions ( which you might need cause i can't really say it all in one post still got a page to post lol ) Just message me on here Forge Hub - View Profile: Combat P3nguin

    There is alot to read here but happy Forging.

    Also btw you have made a double post just click on edit on that post and deleate it, then retype on the other post.
    #3 Combat P3nguin, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010
  4. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Problem is, those Gauss turrets are going to dominate the entire map. A Hornet can be taken down in two or three shots. Same with a Wrthog, and the gunner can't be sniped because there's no cover for snipers. I recommend adding more cover and getting rid of the Gauss turrets.
  5. RoyOfRuin

    RoyOfRuin Ancient

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    Thanks for the input i'll fix these things the one reason we had smg's is we were playing ODST slayer. I already know about ghost merging i'm planning on fixing the middle structure making it bigger and keeping the sniper rifles at the base but will move the needlers and the sword thing actually works pretty well but if you think it's an issue i can fix it.
  6. RoyOfRuin

    RoyOfRuin Ancient

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    I was thinking about that i'm not quite sure yet but most likely will remove those. I noticed you have a map in progress called the Void. funny i have a map that i finished called the void. The gunner can be sniped because of the fact i can only shoot straight infront and slightly to the sides so if a hornet goes behind it the gunner can shoot it.
    #6 RoyOfRuin, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010

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