The Crater Story ( true ) : Il 4 months ago, Al 4 az, Crios studio chief, asked me to build maps for its machinima MAST. Today the studio closed, only one card was over: the dome. I've had no change, it remained in its current state, and I am presenting to the forum Description : It is an arena of chopper, with a crater in the middle. There are two teleporters on each side between the choppers that are leading to the bleachers. The only problem, and that the map can contain only 4 players. The method is called Blade, there are 10 rounds, you spanking no damage, only the crushing medal is worth one point, and you have one life per round Photos : Bleachers: View outside : View inside : gametype : : Halo 3 File Details Map : : Halo 3 File Details Sorry because i have translate with google translate .
I double-taked when I saw this, honestly. Excellent Forging, excellent design. This is quite unbelievable. I'm speechless. The more pressing matter, though, is that you gave a DL link for a mod. Forge Hub doesn't allow mods, but I doubt that it's a bannable offense. Just remove the DL link and make a new, non modded, gametype.
the map looks awesome, "spanking no damage" sounds good with only splatters, but surely you could go into the bleachers and then camp the teleporter? Epic forging though, i'm hoping this isnt a mod :/ imma download and find out...
He might just have the word for gametype wrong and coincidentally called it a mod, he doesn't seem to speak very good english...
Screw the mod....the guy just raped face with his forging....NICE MAN! Excellent forging, dont really know what gameplay is the idea has been done before, but who doesnt love chopper wars. 10/10
Holy crap.... this is amazingly forged just from the looks alone I bet my friends and I are gonna love it. Question what is a mod exactly I never dealt with it in forgehub or violated a such rule?
This looks rediculously smooth! Could you add a close up screen shot of the crater and let me know?!?
I am absolutely flabergasted how well you made the map.And it also look like alot of fun, kind of like smear the quear but without the zombie guy.
A mod is short for modification, and is essentially re-designing the game externally. You can edit a map in forge, thats fine, or you could edit a map by editing the actual game, which is not allowed here at forgehub for some reason that I forget.