It's comming. Bonus Round 2 is expected to be released around Valentines Day. Im keeping it mostly a secret but in this Preview You will see one of the 3 new maps. Also I have hidden a few clues in this post if you figure them out Ill add them to it. Spoiler Tough Luck Tough Luck is the only map that will be previewed, the other two will be held a secret until post unless your a tester. This map was mainly inspired by Rally yet it i an original idea. If you liked windward I promise there will be another remake in BR2.
Did you remove the ghost? Cuz that was really the only issue with the map itself, other than that great, enjoyed testing it, looking forward to the release.
I haven't yet but I will before I post. There will be a map that has a lot of ghosts though I just can tell you much about it.