Sandbox Dutchman Mine

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by YEE MAN IZ BAK, Jan 21, 2010.


    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Located just east of Phoenix, Arizona is a rough, mountainous region where people sometimes go... only to never be seen again. It is a place of mystery, of legend and lore and it is located near Superstition Mountain. According to history, both hidden and recorded, there exists a fantastic gold mine here like no other that has not surfaced yet. It has been dubbed the “Lost Dutchman Mine” over the years and thanks to its mysterious location, it has been the quest of many an adventurer... and a place of doom to luckless others.

    What strange energy lingers here? What has caused dozens of people who seek the mine to vanish without a trace? Is the answer really, as the Apache Indians say? Does the “Thunder God” protect this mine... bringing death to those who attempt to pillage it? Alternatively, can the deaths be linked to other causes? Are they caused, as some have claimed, by the spirits of those who have died seeking the mine before?

    Map Description

    Dutchman Mine is a small-enclosed asymmetrical map, with a relatively natural and organic feel to it. With much dedication of time towards project completion, my motive is to capture a realistic landscape environment so the players would have something to achieve while fighting.

    Dutchman Mine has a vast array of weapons, equipment and power ups strategically placed to encourage movement around the map. In addition, this map offers a gold mine and tropical theme combination twist so you can enjoy the best of both worlds! Lastly, most of the map layout consists of rugged terrain surrounded by palm trees and ancient totem poles.

    The center of the Dutchman Mine map is a dried up creek that leads into an eroded cave where there have been reports by locals that you can still find remains of mining equipment, old weapons , gear, and remains of washed up gold nuggets that fit into the palm of your hand .

    As you are exploring this map, consider past research, scientific studies and expeditions to have a better understanding of the environment.

    Map History

    A map, whose original purpose was to serve as an esthetic map, has now evolved into a 1v1 map. My intensions were at first to have a map based on looks only when approaching this project. I soon realized having game play, would be a great addition to this map as well. After over a month of forging and countless hours I completed Dutchman mine. All my previous forging efforts had been puzzle maps like dark water, hells fury , and a collaboration on Paratroxity, which would soon go on to be featured. I would now have something else to show for other than an obstacle course.
    In the beginning of the forge stage the layout was coming together, providing a clear picture of what the map would look like. The structural layout its self started to show some actual potential, it seems to be lacking something though. Therefore, I decided to push it further to challenge myself again, by adding the mineshaft. This provided an alternate route on each side of the base that you could now conveniently gain access to. Special thanks to everyone who participated in testing the map.And and shout outs to Buddhacrane, Mander a1, Cowboypickle23 and Canadians360 for helping to test breakability and game play.

    Weapon List

    · Battle Rifle x 4, 45s, no clips
    · SMG x 2, 30s,1clip
    · Plasma Rifle x 2, 30s
    · Spiker x 2, 30s
    · Needler x 1, 45s
    · Plasma Pistol x 1, 45s
    · Sniper Rifle x1, 150, no clips
    · Plasma Grenade x 1, 30s
    · Spike Grenade x1, 30s
    · Bubble Shield x 1, 150s
    . Active camo x , 150s

    Aesthetics List

    Palm trees

    Totem pole


    Temple base


    Dried up creek

    Gold nuggets

    Portraits of things


    Sewer drain

    Map Testers




    Creech n Spawn

    iTH0Rz H4MM3Ri

    Mander A1




    Dr TecH Ex

    The Night Curse













    #1 YEE MAN IZ BAK, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2010
  2. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Your pictures are so tiny. But other than that, the map looks awesome. A unique theme along with great structures. Hopefully i can give a more in-depth review after a forge-through.
  3. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh hey, I happen to live like an hour from those mines and the Superstition Mountains. I always thought that legend was a bit silly though lol. Its cool that you based your map off of that theme.

    I like how you made the gold pieces protrude from the walls like it. Pretty clever! Altogether, a nice display of aesthetic forging.
  4. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Forging looks good, but I agree with Rorak that the pictures could be a little bit bigger. If you use Photobucket, there's a button you can click that allows you to change the size of the picture. It should be under the box that allows you to upload files.

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your wish is my command, I resized the images.I had to create an account on imageshack.

    Over view pic up now.
    #5 YEE MAN IZ BAK, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2010

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
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    This looks pretty cool. I don't know if I can has any criticism tho right now.

    OOH, I just thoght of an idea. "Picture this. A map in the skybubble, called the swamp or something, where there is an area of tin cups just below the death barrier that someone will die if they jump down there, then there are trees and monster things and stuff."
  7. TecH

    TecH Ancient
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    The best one v one map ever! Although it's the only one I've played, Ha, but great map dude, definatley your best Aesthetics yet, I don't like slayer maps but I absolutley love this one! Love to see more form you in the future!
  8. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    I love the "arrow". That's just awsome that you did that! lol. The trees look pretty good too, but I def. love the arrow. I like to play some games on this one day to see if it plays as good as it looks!
  9. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Great map Yee Man, easily you're best competitive one so far. The aesthetics are awesome, I love all the palm trees, it definately gives the map a tropical vibe. I think the name and the setting are both perfect. I do see though, that you didn't take some of my key advice for helping the gameplay (such as blocking off the blue side tunnel). The layout isn't the best, but it's fun to play and pleasing to look at, which is what I think you were going for. Great job, and I hope it does well, as I know you put a lot of effort into it.
  10. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Although I am not a fan of 1v1s, this was really enjoyable.
    First off, the aesthetics are just top notch, awesome. The palm trees work well with sight lines and also offer some tactical jumps when in the process of a firefight or even better, using them to juke your opponent.
    I only had 1 spawn problem, but other than that, spawns were a bit hard to predict.

    One complaint would be the AR starts.
    Although BR starts are desired, I would've liked to see a Magnum secondary if you keep the ARs.
    I would've also liked the spike grenades taken out, 3 types of grenades on 1 map just seems too random.

    I'll post my gameplay on the map in a few hours.
    Overall, I can see this being featured, if you take my suggestions.
  11. Creech n Spawn

    Creech n Spawn Ancient
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    I tested this map, MANY times with Yee Man, 1 v 1'ing and jumpin off the trees and such, and I would have to say that this is my favorite aesthetical slayer map ever. I was actually going to be a part of this map, but I had to back out do to other forging. If anyone is having second thoughts about downloading this, DON'T! Just download it and take a look at this amazing forging. It is incredible.

    You did a really good job with this one Yee Man, and hopefully I can get you in on my Team Slayer map too. ;) Congrats man!
  12. ANTI YOU

    ANTI YOU Ancient
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    nice work on this map. i was playing around with it in forge (moving and deleting objects to see how it was put together) and i must say, the forging is top notch. i did not have anyone to shoot at but i was walking around imagining sight lines and the seam pretty good. until i actually play a game i can't tell you what i think of the spawning but good job. it's forgetastic!!!

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Shanon, for the constructive criticism. Originally, I was going to use battle rifles for the primary weapon start. Due to the map size, I decided it was appropriate for assault rifles for close range encounters. Although mlg settings seem to play well for those who desire battle riffles, the game type is optional. The two different grenades place on the map, I guess I wanted a variety to add some excitement in the game play. My focus was on designing the layout mainly, well still providing an enjoyable map to play.
  14. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    I don't mind having AR starts, although I'm sure the majority would prefer.
    Your use of the AR as a primary made me resort to the other weapons placed on the map and caused some nice and balanced flow to the map.
  15. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    I knew this map would come out well, the gameplay doesn't seem like it would be as bad as i first thought, and the aesthetics are just awesome. Quite a lot of weapons for a 1v1 map, but i haven't played it properly yet so it might work.

    Good job yeeman :D
  16. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I knew this map would come out well, the gameplay doesn't seem like it would be as bad as i first thought, and the aesthetics are just awesome. Quite a lot of weapons for a 1v1 map, but i haven't played it properly yet so it might work.

    Good job yeeman :D
  17. blockhead573

    blockhead573 Ancient
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    amazing map yee man, i usually hate slayer maps, because im not very good, but my friends and i continually play on this map. The asthetics are amazing, but unfortunately i have an unfair advantage because i can get out when ever i want. but its still really fun.
  18. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    agreed :D
  19. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Ha you posted it. This map is some of your best wirk yee man, not to say your other work is bad, haha. The aesthetics on this map are incredible. and the lines of sites that you added at the last second are perfect. Though there is a down side to so much aesthetics. And that is that the map itself loses size, which makes the layout boring. And to be truthful the layout is very plain, a rectangle, but you did a great job making it not seem so much like a rectangle. YOu also added the tunnel which really helped the map, otherwise i dont think this map would have been very good to play on, but now there are multiple paths aroud the map. And the structures such as the trees and rock structures also help with the map. Game play on this is decent. There is absolutly nothing wrong with gameplay, but at the same time, its not spectactular. But again the aesthetics take away from that and make it good. Overall, the aesthetics are the heart and sole of this map and i know that that was what you were aiming for
  20. gunpoint

    gunpoint Ancient
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    The spawns seem to complement the map very well with the bases. One of my favorite things about the map is the gold columns, placed in different locations use for palm trees. Although they are hard to be distinguish as a real palm tree, they are very natural and bring out the maps inner beauty.

    The middle design: was my favorite part of the whole map. It not only looks amazing and tropical, the camo cave provides a good balance for the map in general. Another thing I notice was how you could sort of hide and camp in the little cave, with I thought was creative. It will not gain you much cover, since a couple of grenades tossed in there are plenty to flush you out from camping.

    The Grass Center: had a great concept, how it is supposed to resemble a dried up riverbed with washed up gold nuggets. My only criticism is maybe you
    could of added blue shields for the water look.

    The mind shaft: That whole area seems ingenious to me. You made a simple tube look so appealing well still providing an alternative route .It really help game play out, because now you would not find yourself constantly fighting in the center of the map.

    Layout: The great forging, takes away from the simple layout, and it seems to play well for an enclosed 1v1 map. I have to agree with Shanon this has potential for being featured. I give this map a 9/10 because of game play could be better.

    Over all you did a fantastic job, I love every aspect of this map.
    man i really enjoyed testing this map out

    #20 gunpoint, Feb 2, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2010

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