Yeah if u look at my post further down i corrected myself. Im just too lazy to go back and edit that post.
Or maybe Jun flips out when he's stuck behind enemy lines, tries to make a break for it and dies. Likely PTSD will be the cause of his likely members of your team will die.
Oh okay... I guess you're right. Has anyone else noticed?... Look at the darkened area. 600. Also, it's easier to see if you have a labtop, but the AR is 32 rounds per clip. 4 have been used up in this picture.
600? Does that mean that we'll soon be traveling back to the age of more than two spare clips per gun? "gasp" It may also be worthwhile noting that next to the magnum icon, it says 50. That's pretty big, even though the one from Halo: CE could hold 120 (I just played it, and the number seems about right).
This one... and these too... that would be from this pic I personally do not even see a pistol above the AR or an ammo count that says 600.
i explained that a couple pages back, it was a glitch that happened when they were transferring it to an image form or something. and rifte.. thats cool! does halo 3 have that? i don't really remember there being a shadowed version of the secondary weapon..
yeah h3 shows your secondary shadowed up and too the right of your gun. But no it doesn't show ammo just that you have another gun. Thats pretty helpfull. In mm you will know how much ammo you got. Oh and i didn't know they actually in real life had those nade launchers with scopes that kicks ass.
Just recently posted on's front page, Halo:Reach 3D Art Involved. From what little I actually understood of the technical stuff, it's obvious that Bungie put tons of effort into making Reach a helluva lot cooler. Also, the Halo Reach Hub will be spotlighting Noble Team this week, but I'd like to note out Emile's. Look at the top left one. Halo CE magnum <3
I don't think Bungie would let a mistake that big through the presses after all the work they've done. Most of the time people see things in Bungie's pictures and count them off as mistakes, but by now you should know they actually quite methodical with what they show people. I don't think I'd mark it up as a mistake just yet. EDIT: They have the pictures up on the Reach section at Bungie, and the picture's titled "to the left" so I'm pretty sure it's not a mistake.
The Art Of Halo: Reach - Halo: Reach - Kotaku Some More Halo: Reach Screenshots - Halo: Reach - Kotaku some new screenies. Looks HAWTT. ;p
Hmm... I see the connection. Yes, this was the best picture I could find of a samurai that wasn't crossed with Darth Vader. Just so this isn't totally spam, rifte, how did you see the number 600 above the AR icon? I zoomed in as far as my Mac would allow me to, and I still couldn't see it. Your image is also really sharp: did you touch it up? EDIT: Never mind, I see it now. I checked out the bigger picture on Bnet. REEDIT: I won't post again, since the next post I made isn't showing up, but there's some info on some new/redesigned weapons on Bnet here.
there is a larger version of the image that you can see on the Reach Project Page at BNet. Its resolution is waay higher and you can zoom in loads.