The Flood V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Plasma Rifle Elite, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    It's Halo 3, Dead Space style! It's dark, there's no gravity, and mutant creatures want to kill you!

    By the way, I made up this following story, it's inspired by "The Mona Lisa" short story in Halo: Evolutions.

    UNSC Destroyer Scorpion jumps into orbit around the gas giant Threshold, inside the debris field of Halo.

    "Sir, we got a visual on the debris field."
    "Excellent. Keep searching. Remember, we're here to reply to a distress call from ONI Prowler Shadow Claw."
    "Yes, sir. Hang on! We got a visual! There she is!"

    The ONI Prowler drifts motionless in the planet's shadow. Debris from punctures in the ship spin around. No lights shine out from the windows. No radio calls sound over the comms. It's a dead ship. Little do the crew of the Scorpion know that a horror awaits inside that steel husk...

    "Lieutenant, prep the boarding party. I want to know why that ship isn't responding. Send about a quarter of the marines in first, as recon. Then send in the main force."
    "Yes, sir."

    UNSC boarding craft race to the Prowler's airlocks. They latch on. The recon force doesn't know that they will be dead in a few minutes.

    2 hours later

    "Dammit, recon force, reply! Screw this, send in the rest of the marines! I want to know what the hell is happening in there!"
    "Yes, sir."

    Now, many boarding craft race to the airlocks. More food for the ship's newest owners...

    Scary intro, huh? well, this map may just be the scariest map on Halo. This is Plasma Rifle Elite with an improved version of the other scary map "The Flood". This is "The Flood V2".


    Boarding craft latch on. Marines steam onto the ship, to find that there is no gravity. The recon forces weapons float around. Where are the bodies, though?

    "This is Sergeant Farney. Dammit, this is a dead ship. No one's here, and we have no idea what happened to the recon force. There's no gravity, and it smells like rotting corpses in here. Smells sort of like Private Kinga's cologne, actually. What the... Hey, what happened to the lights? Everyone, close formation. I think the ship's welcoming party is coming.

    The marines hold fast at the airlock, waiting. Ominous gurgles and cackles come from inside the ship. Down one hallway, a figure stumbles into view. Farney relaxes. It's Corporal Himmey, a member of the recon force that vanished in the ship.

    "C'mon Himmey, haul ass!"

    Corporal Himmey lurched into view. Everyone took a step back.
    What was Corporal Himmey looked awful. Eyes white and unseeing, one arm transformed into a ragged group of spindly tentacles. Himmey's chest was swelled up, and a jellyfish-like outline could be seen beneath the skin. Several cuts on his body leaked green blood, and his skin was laced with green viens. Himmey opened his mouth and howled, an unearthly sound. Dozens of other misshapen humans lurched out from the hallways, and the battle began.

    The Factions

    The marines


    Marines are the best of the best. The have body armor (energy shields that don't regenerate). They can pick up weapons, but with limited ammo. They have limited motion trackers, but they can see their allies. They start with Magnums, but can refuel their ammo with dropped weapons. In the low gravity, they can jump high. But even with these advantages, can they combat the Flood?

    The Flood


    The idiot ONI scientists thought that they could contain us. They were wrong. Now, with the bones of the scientists to nourish us and the pitiful human soldiers to fight for us, we can use this ship to spread throughout the galaxy! With our enhanced exoskeletons (shields that don't regenerate), our Flood sense (enhanced motion tracker), our speed, our powerful Flood arms (energy swords),our immunity to headshots, our single Pure Ranged form, the ability to pick up weapons, and the ability to infect other humans, nothing can stop us from consuming the galaxy!

    <<Uploading data on combat area...>>

    The Flood have broken out of their enclosure. They damaged the ship's lighting and severed the artificial gravity. Weapons lie everywhere, from the weapons of deceased marines to weapons the ONI crew had on board. The Flood have access to all ventilation systems, so once angered, they can come from any direction (In other words, once you kill them, they don't respawn in the same place. They could respawn anywhere.) The Flood have dicovered a significant deposit of minerals inside on of the boxes, so they can become a Flood Pure Ranged form (The annoying Flood in Campaign that shoot spikes, and sometimes, when killed, explode with spike grenades). However, there is only one deposit, so only one Pure form can come at you. The humans start in front of their airlock, with several nearby weapons. There is a hidden armory on the map, so find it for you best chance for survival, humans!

    <<Uploading data on engagement length...>>

    There are 10 rounds in the game, each one several minutes long. Can the humans hold out, or will the Flood consume them? The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance. If the humans fail, the Flood will have a spacecraft, and would be able to spread anywhere and everywhere...

    <<Uploading data on weapons...>>

    Battle Rifle

    The Battle Rifle is not as effective as you think. Due to the fack that the Flood are immune to headshots and have exoskeletons, it's recommended you only use it if you're out of other ammo or if you have a visual on an infected marine from a distance.

    Submachine Gun

    Due to it's dual-wielding ability, high rate of fire, and large clip, this weapon is extremely effective against the Flood. It's recommended to carry one or two of these at all times.

    Assault Rifle

    One of the two worst weapons against the Flood, try not to use it unless as a last resort. Only good for high ammo capacity.

    Sniper Rifle

    One of the best weapons against the Flood. Although it always takes two shots to neutrallize the Flood, it's still extremely effective, but conserve you ammo, there's only two on the map.


    The mother of all weapons, this powerful gun will tear holes through Flood exoskeletons. Don't use against groups of Flood, use only against single Flood. Ammo on map for this weapon is relatively high, but you will need more than a Shotgun to survive this...

    Magnum Handgun

    The absolutely worst weapon on the spacecraft. It's so bad, you have a better chance of survival if you grab a Flood arm and rush about three Flood on your own.

    Flood Arm (Energy Sword)

    This weapon is the Flood's main weapon and is very effective in their hands, but is nearly useless for a human. Use only if you have backup, or if you wish to die in a blaze of glory.

    Fragmentation Grenade

    There is a large crate of them at the Human Spawn. Use wisely, for they don't regenerate very fast. Use to take down large grouops of Flood or to destroy Flood hiding around corners.


    Exactly how it sounds. Use to light up a darkened area to gain a visual on enemy Flood.

    Long-lasting green Flare (Regenerator)

    This Flare may not light up as bright as the other type, but it lasts far longer (Note: Does not repair body armor or exoskeletons). There is only one on the map. And once it's gone, it's gone for good.

    Pure form spike launcher (Brute Spiker)

    Lying beneath the Calcium deposit and beside the Spike Grenade, this weapon has unlimited ammo in the claws of a Flood Pure form. Firing deadly shrapnel, humans but beware flying spikes. A Flood Pure form carrying this is a top priority target for Marines. It never repawns.

    Spike Grenade

    There is only one on the map, lying beside the Pure form spike Launcher and under the Calcium deposit. It never respawns. If you kill a Pure form in Campaign, sometimes it will drop a Spike Grenade, and sometimes the Grenade will explode. that's why there is a Spike Grenade here.

    Calcium deposit (Custom Powerup)

    This deposit transforms a standard Flood form into a Flood Pure Ranged form. It lasts for 120 seconds, and in that time, a Pure form can dish out damage unless destroyed. The Pure form has no radar, becomes pale white, becomes slower, gets infinite ammo, does slightly more damage, and gets a Spike Grenade and a Pure form Spike Launcher.

    Mongoose (aka Jenkinsmobile)

    Commonly referred to by troops as the Jenkinsmobile, this small vehicle somehow works in zero gravity by using special tires that stick to the deck. It was driven by a member of the recon force, named Corporal Himmey. The Jenkinsmobile lies overturnd in a far corner of the craft, obviously a failed attempt by Himmey to escape his infected fate.

    <<Uploading visuals...>>

    The human spawn.

    The Flood spawn.

    The Calcium deposit.

    What the calcium deposit transforms you into.

    Crate of Flares.

    Crate of Frags.

    A weapons locker.

    Floating weapons 1.

    Floating weapons 2.

    Regenerator spawn.

    Crashed Jenkinsmobile. This room is the common camping area for the Marines.

    Standard hallway. It's not so scary...

    Wrong! There go the lights!

    HLG Amber CIad and I... We exist together now... Two corpses, in one grave...

    The Flood Pure form

    Finally, the secret armory...

    That's all, folks! Next map in my Infected map pack is my Gravemind remake, then the Halo 2 Backwash remake. Long live my infected map pack! Peace out! Oh, right, here's the download links, and thanks to all testers.

    Gametype link. Needed to play Game.

    Gravity Failure. : Halo 3 File Details

    Map link. : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Plasma Rifle Elite, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2010
  2. Lemonyguy47

    Lemonyguy47 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great! Glad you made a version two and it looks like you really took some of the suggestions and put them into the map, like my idea of the floating weapons :) As last time I just love this concept of the dark room and the flares, it is the perfect environment for infection and you really do it well. Hope to see more great work!
  3. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks amazing. Unique in the way that everything looks as if in zero gravity. Seems like it would be quite scary to play and despite it not having all this merging and what not it looks like a real quality map. good job!

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