Gamertag: GreatJedi7 Preference I don't have MW2, sooo Halo 3 only Chance of Attending: 100% (Unless something crazy happens and I can't play)
GT: pinohkio game of choice: either or. I'm 98% sure I'll be on and ready to play, we shall bring tipsta, with his 3rd person views on life back to forgehub!
Gamertag: SuperBen1234 Preference: Halo fo sho, i suck at MW2 Chance of attending: 80% please send me an invite, i want to kick some xforgery ass
Gamertag: JerZ Phenom Preference: Halo, but I can still play MW2 if you'd like. Chance of attending: 99% sure I can make it.
This sounds cool. I'll be there. GT: o Youtuber o Preference: Halo or MW2. I think I'm decent at both. Chance of Attending: As of now, pretty high.
GT: KSI Kuroda Preference: Halo, more than likely, but I can play MW2 as well. Chance of Attending: 100%, unless my parents are home, in which case 12%
GT: KSI Kuroda Preference: Halo, more than likely, but I can play MW2 as well. Chance of Attending: 100%, unless my parents are home, in which case 12%
Gamertag: AmercanPsycho Preference: Halo Chance of attending: 90% sure I can. (If I have my Xbox back it's 100%)
Gamertag: Footballfan757 Preference: I will play in either the Halo or the MW2 games. Chance of attending: 100% positive that I will be able to attend.
Gamertag: Stouf761 Preference: Well I don't exactly own mw2... Chance of attending: Low. Like really low. And if I do have a chance, I might not even last a full round...
Gamertag:Orangge Preference: Modern warfare 2 only Chance of attending: 90%, i am good for about 4-7 then unless I have other things to do 7-10
Gamertag: Orangge Preference: MW2 only Chance of attending: 100% from 4-6 mountian time then 8-10 100% and 6-8 is a 80% chance AYE SHOCK THETA!
Gamertag: Orangge Preference: MW2 only Chance of attending: 100% from 4-6 mountian time then 8-10 100% and 6-8 is a 80% chance AYE SHOCK THETA!
New to forge hub but i'll be able to be there for the event. I can be there for MW2 and Halo 3. GT:RoY oF rUiN Chance of attending:100% Preference:Halo 3 and MW2