Shopping Maul

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Cryoraptor, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Cryoraptor

    Cryoraptor Ancient
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    Finally a decent non-DLC map that anyone can play. So sit back and enjoy my explanation and kill some zombies. Whats that you say? Pre-DLC sucks? Well I'm sorry to say it doesn't, not for infection anyway. You have way more movable objects to use, so its great for barricades. Thats why I love them! Or one reason anyway!

    The goes like this. You are in a shopping mall (maul) and running low on supplies. The only thing left to give the Raptors are your bullets and even those are running out.

    One base to hide at:

    Inside. You will find ammo in each area. Careful though it won't respawn when used up. However there is the permenant weirdness of the gun turrets, they are infinitely breakable to use for battle. But when destroyed they don't comeback :mad: Even though they are set to never respawn.


    Yes there is a mongoose. :D

    The middle camp zone.

    The back door is closed off.

    The corner hideout- my favorite.

    This room has the odd ability to create panic when. A) You get into the room... [​IMG]

    B) You think you are safe...

    C)You realize there is no way out...

    D)You break the turret to keep the raptors from getting in. Yes the alpha raptors can use turrets but so can your friends. Now you are alone...

    Well not ENTIRELY... "what is that hissing sound behind me?"

    E) Long story short, the raptors get in and eat you after you try and keep them out by hitting the top box they are hitting inward.

    Now that thats over with... This is the middle

    Easy way in! HINT!

    Hard way and good defense for those that cut across this path. Never seen anyone get in here.

    A little harder, this area can be entered but is a choke point.

    Other side, slightly different.


    Make sure you watch your back most deaths are by assassination.



    Never stand alone. Unless everyone else is dead.

    Nothing respawns including barricades so be careful.

    Partial raptor spawn and power up location.

    To sum things up. I am actually missing a few shots :*( But let me explain. Raptors spawn up high in the "rooms" you know what I mean. Inside there are 1 active camo and 1 custom power up. The custom power up makes them fast. The active camo makes them go poof! Or fluff in their case. They may not always spawn up top. The raptors can jump quite high but are only 90 speed so don't panic unless you are cornered. There are fairly hard to kill so please try to make shots count since you don't have many. There are 5 total spots to hang and hold your ground for a short while. No matter where you hide you may have to move eventually.

    Alpha raptors can drive the mongoose and use turrets use this to your advantage.

    Humans on the other hand are strong as well. They tak about 10 hits to kill but have no recharge. Only a 10% leech so don't get too excited. When you start keep in mind you have NO icons over anyones head. So make sure you find your team before running around like lunatics. You will know if your team is still alive one way or another. To make things even more fun you are never really in the same place when you start and can be anywhere on the map. Each spot you spawn varies in its usefulness. Should you stay or move along? Look for survivers or just hide and hope the raptors don't smell you out with thier enhanced rader. The best way to survive is to take cover and move strategicly, its hard not impossible. I was only 3 secs away from winning once.

    Use the mongoose to run or to smash barriers

    Turrets can be pulled off for weapons (Stand alone they are in bad places) or used to enter rooms! Raptors are not dumb and will do this as well so make sure if you blow up a turret you don't need the ammo.

    Some raptor spawn points are blocked unblock to allow better spawns.

    They are called Ferrous raptors. Ferrous means something containing iron. Which is why they are hard 2 kill!

    Link to map: Shopping Maul
    Link to gametype: Ferrous Raptorz : Halo 3 File Details

    the gametype link is broke, i think. I spelled ferrous wrong so I replaced it. this is the correct link above
  2. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    wow... you see something really weird was. as i was looking through this post, i was listening to requiem for a dream (google it) and everytime i got to something that the mood changed on, the music became its 'epic' self:p anyway, down to the point, this map looks a really good concept, i like the way you made nothing respawn, it add a bit of realism to the map, the setting for the game look good as games where it is one hit to kill the zombehs arent too great unless something drastic happens to humans, the rooms look good but some look like too much of an armory for my liking, but i'll download and i'll give it a 8/10 for you using the non-dlc's and making it original
  3. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    no one will.

    anyways. wheres the stores? name fail. why didnt you just call it camp frenzy so the name lives up to the playing style. good job with the original pit sword spawn. i like right by the power drain spawn.. very nice
  4. Cryoraptor

    Cryoraptor Ancient
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    Well I called it shopping maul because each "room" is kind of like a store full of weapons as "goodies". You would travel to each place and get what you could to fight the Ferrous raptors. BTW the original name was sick raptors and the concept was that they were sick and slow. You had to give them bullets to feel better. I called it Raptor Vet. I liked the name shopping maul better because of the double meaning and it kind of felt like a mall too.
  5. Cryoraptor

    Cryoraptor Ancient
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    I don't understand what you are saying about one hit kill zombies. I didn't like that concept because you die too fast either way and its not any fun. I can't really make this one hit kill because the ammo wouldn't be used up like its supposed to. There is enough ammo in each room to enjoy camping for a little while but then you get ambushed when you leave to go somewhere else. Thats the fun of it. It all runs out faster then you think. I am thinking about making another map like this one for this game type perhaps on another map and suggestions would be welcome.

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