I was bored one day and decided to make a little fun jump map based off of Mountain Climb. After a whole lot of testing on the map I ended up having to do about 5 hours of editing the map... Which was a real pain in the butt, but I think it paid off well. After releasing version two of Mountain Climb, I still found people had trouble doing the map. I didnt know if it was because it was still too difficult or if people just werent good, but I worked on it right away and decided to make a new jumping map! This map is mainly based off of Mountain Climb, only with a different look, what kind of look you may ask? Well a flower made of stone of course! I tried to make the map look as much as a flower as possible although I had a couple of problems along the way. I tried to make grass but it messed up some of the major jumps, also I tried to make leaves but those too interfered with the jumps, so I just stuck with the top of the flower, the most sexy looking part! Onto the actual jumps on the map. The map doesnt really contain any difficult jumps, like Mountain Climb, this is a jump place to place sort of map. The most complex jump you will find on this map is a turret jump, so hurray! Dont know how to do turret jumping? Its simple, just grap onto the turret like you normaly would, then let go of the turret and immediately press A or whatever you use to jump. PICS SHORT CUTS You thought Mountain Climb had short cuts, well let me tell you that this map has a whole bunch! Almost everywhere you look there will be a shortcut or two, more then enough to get you through the map in a minute or less. Since there are so many I only decided to point out the ones I find help the most, the rest you can find by yourself VID YouTube- Jumpin The Flower.wmv DOWNLOAD Map - HERE Gametype - HERE
Very nice! looks great, better aesthetics and hopefully easier jumps. My one bad point is that people were complaining that mountain climb was too hard and as easy as you've made these jumps, i'm worried all the newbs will get stuck at the turret jumping. Maybe you could post a little tutorial with this thread explaining turret jumping. Other than that 5/5 jumping map, i wonder if this will make it to bungie favorites as well?
AH MY GAWD :O.... And i thought mountain climb was hard. Nicely forged xang, this willl get on bungie favs too xD. I really like the flower its great. I was doubting this was your map until i clicked it for some reason. Anyway looks great, ill DL when i get a chance. Also darkling how you turret jump is when you grab a turret, then let go and jump the get a second jump in. GL guys.
I'v only ever done a few jumping maps before and they weren't like this and looking at the video it seemed like it was some times hard to see where the turrets were. Maybe you could make something that subtly tells you that those are the turrets your supposed to jump on. I'm still going to download it though because it looks awesome.
Oh man, I have created a monster. Rock wall was a nice simple fun little climbing experience and now you guys make it this massive thing. There is no way I can do this, well not in a descent time. I looks great and would be lots of fun to try with my friends, good job!
No matter how many shortcuts and hints you give me, no matter how many times I switch to monitor mode to get up a bit higher, I can still never get to the top. Still, the idea behind it is great, and although it's not as long as mountain climb, I find it much more unique and enjoyable because of the different paths players can take as well as the turret climbs to mix up the experience. Well done, Xang Yang!