Death by fire or frost?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Turkey bag56, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    I have killed the earth in 2 opposite ways....

    The Earth has been moved closer to the sun, resulting in the oceans boiling away and all life being scorched to extinction...[​IMG]

    The Earth has been moved away from the sun, resulting in the oceans freezing and all life being frozen to there death....
    The sky in this was made in 2d (I suck at 2d!) and that made some strange things when it met the 3d part of the image(also left some red spots)!
    PS: I should have done the stars in 3d too!
    #1 Turkey bag56, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  2. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    death by fire looks much more intense!

    your horizon seems to look better if its lighter in the sky.. otherwise theres that awkward white line
  3. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Yea, the program I used for these isn't the greatest at night time(stars) so I made the ground of my frost one in that program then tryed to do the sky in a different 3d program but it render as crap (very low definition). So I made the sky in gimp and I fail at 2d and that is why theres that dam cheep white line and that weird thing around the tree....
    I like the day one 100x more :p
    #3 Turkey bag56, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  4. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I would try curving your horizon slightly, if it's a planet like earth it wouldn't have such a straight horizon. And I do like the fire one better, the stars just seem out of place for the second.
  5. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The day one looks like more effort was put into it, I like it most, although if the earth moved close enough to the sun to kill all life, I think that tree would be included.
  6. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    The stars are there because the suns to far away to make the sky blue and the moon is now the main source of light; hence the trees shadow...
    The stars and the sun in frost were 2d and everything else was 3d so thats why they look out of place.... I really wish I did the stars in the 3d program after looking at the the end result!

    The trees dead!!! All thats left is it's scorched trunk (if this did happen the trunk would most likely be gone but it makes the pic look less plain)
    #6 Turkey bag56, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010

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