So, the other day, my friends and I were reminiscing on the good ol' days, and my friend chose to play a game called "Sky Fatty," a Fat Kid variant, on "Skybase V.4," another Skycastle variant. We've played that game a lot in the past, and enjoyed it, but as the game begun, there were obvious problems to attend to. Most of you already know that Fat Kid tends to be a very problematic gametype, as popular as it is amongst the majority of the players (well, at least those that I know). There was, indeed, a lot of ingame and post-game ranting. The map idea and the gametype, however, seem suited for each other. I honestly do enjoy playing it once and a while, but I'd be glad if I could cut down on the rants and anger caused by playing this game. Now, here are some of the specific problems for the map I mentioned and the Fat Kid variant, which is bolded so some of you don't mention other problems that might occur. -Zombie's gravity is waaaay too high. He had trouble climbing the mini-stairs that the creator placed there for the humans, which were only 1 crate (the small crates) high. -Gauss Turrets. A PO'd zombie will simply grab a gauss turret and start spamming gauss rounds at the base, often killing the players inside. -The constant issue of the zombie, who had spent many minutes trying to get himself to the last Skybase (there are four in the map variant I'm describing), and the humans, who simply jump off, and land right near the Warthog spawn area. -Infinite Ammo. Nuff said. -Too many power weapons: Humans were able to take out all of the Warthogs before the zombie could reach them, preventing him any access into the bases, making for an extremely boring game for the zombie. -Camping. That's pretty obvious. People camping in the inner parts of bases, people camping in the default Standoff bases, etc. -Last Man Standing traits: Extremly overpowering. Instant kill, 300% speed, and 50% gravity? I think not. Because I enjoyed the map so much, I'm going to try to recreate it on Sandbox, while fixing some of the obvious issues. The reason why I'm posting this, though, is that I need suggestions for a well thoughout, Fat-Kid substitute. I'm hoping that I'll be able to integrate some more complex traits, like respawn traits. I already have some ideas, but it's up to you, the community, to complete this list. Besides, if this gametype gets popular, you may as well see diminishing amounts of Fat Kid games. List: -Nerf Last Man Standing traits. -Decrease Zombie's gravity. -Increase Zombie's speed. -Eliminate Grenade Regneration. -Eliminate Infinite Ammo (besides the alpha zombie, if he gets a melee weapon). -Move Warthog/other vehicle spawn out of the way of any of the bases. -Decrease regular zombie speed. -Increase regular zombie health. I'll take any ideas, but please, put some effort into them. I will credit the people whose ideas make it into the final gametype. Remember, this map will be on a Skybase remake, so plan accordingly! It doesn't really seem like you guys are getting the point: I already know that what I've posted will do the gametype better, and I'd like all of YOU to post YOUR ideas. If you don't do that properly, I'll have this thread locked in a day.
Your idea or good for the moment ! Maybe do than the fat kid could be in vehicule but he cant ride it ! It could give more challange!
Thanks. Though, I'm not sure if what you wrote makes any sense. Are you saying that the Fat Kid could only drive the vehicle, but not ride in the passenger seat, nor use the turret?
Well if it works it works, but Fat Kid is not exactly the most welcomed game here...Still ill look forward to seeing it if the changes actually make it fun.
Thanks, do you have any suggestions? The reason why I posted this was so that I could get some community input.
The regular zombies are, yes, in the normal gametype. Zombies with better health and slower speed has been added.
I was considering making a (working) fat kid gametype with my friends- my main suggestion was to make the fat kid faster, and POSSIBLY to have a juggernaut gametype of some sort (so spawnsassination does not go without punishment)
The only suggestion I have is to make sure its fun for both sides, and I dont mean fun for an 11 year old.
Have you ever played Fat-Kid? Part of the reason why I want to change it is because the humans have far too many power weapons. The zombie is invincible (at least in the variant that I have: it's been recreated so many times I haven't got the slightest idea what the original settings were), yet the creator still felt it necessary to give the zombie 4x overshields. I might just ask to have this thread locked, since it doesn't seem to be serving its purpose.
This gametype is really controversial, but I did stumble upon something that makes it work almost perfectly Initial zombie count: 2 Alpha zombie traits: (aka fat kid) primary weapon: gravity hammer Secondary weapon: energy sword Shields: max damage resistance: min shield regeneration: max headshots: disabled speed: minimum gravity: 100% full vehicle use Zombie traits: Speed: max Gravity: min Primary weapon: energy sword Damage resistance: minimum Shields: none Vehicle use: full Human traits: Infinite ammo: enabled Grenade regeneration: enabled Last man standing traits Shields: 200% Indestructable vehicles: enabled I think this includes everything needed for the gametype, but this usually only works for maps with vast piles of heavy weapons at the disposal of humans, most importantly at least two missile pods with low spawn time to knock around warthogs carrying the two fat kids. With the speed of normal zombies they are actually quite difficult to kill because they move to fast to be vulnerable to most power weapons.
Halo infection is just not fun when it's trying to be infection. The gametype has it's uses but not for "zombies"
Normal Zombies should have no shields, 500x resistant And a custom power up with Alpha Zombie traits(180 seconds) but with shield decay.(only for zombies!!!) thats my suggestions for now.
I agree. No matter how much you try to put an zombie apocolyptic feel in infection it just doesn't work. If it were more like **** Zombies and after you were infected you actually represented something more like a zombie it'd be better. Simply changing someone's color and giving them a sword/plasma pistol just doen't do it. Nontheless I still try for some reason.
When making a casual infection map, one does not usually aim first for a realistic, apocaliptic feel. There are of course maps that create a fun and apocaliptic game, such as Darkness Falls on LosT. Sandbox is really the only map capable of creating "nightime" which is essential for true infection, if one thinks of floodgate. The bigger problem with infection however, is that humans want to survive forever against hords of zombies, however this makes life miserable for people who are inevitably quickly infected. The only way to make true infection is playing against AI, so in halo most people focus on the fun gametypes instead. Few people care about fat kid being unrealistic, in fact every part of halo is unrealistic, so go ************** and leave infection to the people who want to have fun. This thread is about finding a equitable variant of fat kid, not making apocaliptic infection
Who are you ranting at, now? I agree that the creator of the Fat Kid trend simply had an idea that he (or she, but very unlikely) was extremely eager to share without bothering to touch it up after its release. Apparently, there are enough pros to make it seem like the gametype is good, but it has a lot of problems. That's why I made this thread: I'd like for Fat Kid to see the touching-up phase it never had a chance to go through.
I was agreeing to what pegasi said. Fat Kid is fun, as are a lot of different infection games. I'm not trying to turn Fat Kid into a zombie apocalypse simulator. I simply added to the statement that Infection is Infection. Nothing else.
I find that the main problem with fat kid is the speed of the main zombie. 25% is just way too little, and for most non-Omega Journey maps it's totally unnecessary. I made a gametype for some of Foundationz's maps with the main zombie @ 75% speed and buffed the secondary zomby's healths while nerfing their speeds/gravity a little bit so they weren't instant kill, and it worked fine and rounds averaged 3-5 minutes, and there was a lot more of that "OH ****" factor that makes infection fun.
Could this thread go back on topic please, if anyone did not know, we are trying to find better variants of fat kid. Since I am the only one who has ideas for a change could people at least coment on the gametype I formulated. Spoiler