
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DMM White, Apr 10, 2008.

  1. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Created by Dmm White

    Supported Gametypes:
    All supported but best for CTF, Assault, Slayer, Territories

    Map Description
    "One of the numerous corporations researching alien technology for their own benefit"

    Xeno-Tech is an example of a company researching alien technology which they hope to develop and put in to products to sell to ordinary people. The map has 3 Ghosts and a Wraith, none of them are accessible but if you do get aboard one you can't go anywhere on them (and chances are you'll blow yourself up in the wraith).

    The map has been set up with a main base for use with asymmetrical gametypes; One Flag CTF, One Bomb etc
    as well as 2 smaller bases, positioned in the same place as they are in the default Foundry, for symmetrical gametypes; Multi Flag, Neutral Bomb etc.

    Weapons were based around MLG gametype weapons, but the maps was a bit empty.

    2 Plasma rifles
    Assault rifle
    Brute shot
    Rocket Launcher
    2 Sniper Rifles
    2 Magnums
    2 SMGs
    2 Spikers
    4 Battle Rifles
    2 Covie Carbines

    Bases 1 and 2. The bridge up against the wall is only found in symmetrical gametypes, otherwise getting between the bases is too quick and the rest of the map isn't used.

    Base 3. High than most of the map and is holding on to a wraith. Try throwing a grenade in at the back.Note - you can't get under this base, the walls go all the way around.

    Xeno-Tech already uses alien technology themselves to speed up production. This is one of 2 'conveyor belts', similar to the ones in Elongation. The difference is the boxes move fast enough to kill you. VIDEO TO COME

    Above the conveyor belt (its a symmetrical map, same thing on the other side). It can walk on to of the belt safely, without being thrown off. The box on the right? That's one of the Ghost Chambers. The Ghosts will float up and down.
    A final image so you can see the scale of the map. I always think the maps are much smaller when I see pictures without players in. As you can see, there's quite a lot of space.


    I have ordered a capture card which should be arriving in a few days.
    I would like to have some game play videos to upload, instead of just me running around the map. So I've set up a game on H3Customs.com - Enlist here

    Download Xeno-Tech
    #1 DMM White, Apr 10, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2008
  2. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    This map seems cool
    but i dont get what the conveyor belt does?
    could you please give us a better description
  3. Gordo24

    Gordo24 Ancient
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    I like the layout of the map but it seems that some of the walls and bridges could use a little straightening up. If you can get the aesthetics locked down people will definitely DL.
  4. GORGE 093

    GORGE 093 Ancient
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    Map looks a bit sloppy. interlocking would improve this alot.
  5. DeceitfulPillow

    DeceitfulPillow Ancient
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