Awesome Town is awesome. It's awesome-ness is awesome in awesome ways because its awesome. Ya know in Call of Duty: World at War on Der Riese when Dempsey says "This thing belongs in Awesome Town!" well this is what he was talking about... Awesome Town is first and foremost the sequel to my previous map Hamlet. (which can be found here: I took everything people said about Hamlet into consideration when designing Awesome Town. This map is extremely difficult to escape, I'm sure someone will probably find a way out, but I did the best I could. You will at least find it SIGNIFICANTLY harder to escape than Hamlet was. Everything that was great in Hamlet is back, along with the other stuff people asked for, mainly its bigger as you can see here: Anyways, the map is asymetrical. It is best with no more than 10 players, during testing we tried with 12 and it was a bit much. The map is set up for all gametypes, but plays best on slayer, team slayer, one-flag, KOTH, and juggernaut. Weapons/equipment: 6 BRs 1 hammer 1 shotgun 1 rocket lawn chair 2 SMGs 2 spikers 2 maulers 2 plasma rifles 6 spike grenades 1 bubble shield 1 regenerator 1 active camo 1 overshield Id like to thank everyone who downloaded Hamlet as well as everyone who tested and provided feedback. (Including BurningThunder4, King Arthur 11, Jerz Phenom, Master Debaytes, Obibital, and KSI Kuroda along with several others who's gamertags I don't remember.) And now some screenshots. NOTE: some weapons have been moved/added since these were taken. Awesome overview: Inside the Awesome Church: (the cross is the Forerunner symbol for Chuck Norris) The Awesome Secret passage: The Awesome Fountain: The Awesome Tower: The Awesome Download Link: : Halo 3 File Details Enjoy!
Thats Awesome! Sry i had too, the map itself looks pretty good. like you said considerably bigger, with more hidden stuff. You know i for see me RC rifte and others playing clue on this map.
The map was surprisingly good while testing, although I hoped you fixed the spawns for 1 flag. They were terrible. Other than that, the map has made quite few improvements. It actually resembles a town! Excellent job. (By the way, I'm the guy that escaped the map during testing.)
Don't worry the spawns should be better now, besides I think the main problem was having 12 people, it was just too much. Anyway, assuming you escaped from the wall, that has been completely fixed.
thsi look pretty cool. i think you should should make and mlg version becasue this seems like it would play good for mlg. this doesn't look that bigger than heritec but i think you should have made it more bigger if you have enogh money to do so. 4/5
First of all let me say that I dislike MLG and do not support their "format" when making maps. (Although I could just replace every weapon on the map with a BR, that would be close enough) The map is as big as it's gonna get, I have $1 left in the budget. It is slightly bigger than guardian I believe.
Reminds me of something from Resident Evil 4 (Best Game of All Time) I like the feel of a town map but nobody has ever been able to successfull encorporate that into a serious map.
The map actually plays bigger than you think considering the multiple floors and pathways interconnecting each building. I actually had fun testing this map, and it looks like you sorted out the minimal problems it had. The map looks great aesthetically and plays a lot better than I anticipated going into the testing session. I definitely recommend to download this map especially for FFA gametypes, which were the most enjoyable in my opinion.
Your map looks great, but still too small. I suggest a version 3 (That'll get a definite download from me): -Much bigger -Better gameplay -More decorative In order of importance, by the way.
Trust me, the map is far bigger than you think it is. Not only that, but it is already pretty decorative. The only change that needs to be done would be to change the name. Awesome Town is a very poor map name. It's lazy, sounds noobish, and is easily forgettable. PLEASE change it.
This map could be really competitive with team Oddball, it seems that there are a lot of ways to rotate the ball.
Any suggestions for a name change? If you take it out of context Awesome Town does sound noobish, I know. Anyways, Im glad everyone seems to like it.
Nope, Ive hardly even played that game. If you read the Hamlet thread I talk about my inspiration there.
You can spike nade jump off of someone's head onto the roof of the buildings, but that does kill the other person. and i dont think you can really prevent that anyway
Like CaptnSTFU said AWESOME. I really like this map because it reminds me of a little valley town that can be overrun with zombies, mass murderers, or anything else i can think of. I am so going to play hide and seek here.