We have all herd of the cloning of Dolly the first animal that was cloned and it survived long enough to give birth but it died of a respiratory disease. Most people think that cloning is a matter of taking DNA and copying it to make another human being. However Cloning is much more different than that. Cloning is when you take the cell nucleus of an individual and insert it into an egg, give that egg an electrical shock and implanting it in a females uterus (BE MATURE!!!!). During the cloning process usually trials start out with about 400 clones and only 1 or 2 surviving to adulthood. Even then they barely last long after that. Now even after that scientists held a convention and most agree that cloning animals is okay but cloning humans is where differences occur. Most agree that cloning humans is a bad thing and that it is immoral but several groups of scientists agree that even though it might be immoral cloning humans can have its advantages. Such as Cloning humans can make it so that when you loose a loved one that you can replace them with a clone(a very terrible option in my opinion.), another is to make clones that will give a person a spare organ so that you can live longer plus several other things that were brought up by scientists that are willing to do anything at all costs to improve human life. But most of the scientists have agreed that human cloning is a terrible thing and it is very irresponsible to do so. Cloning humans is just like giving birth to a child and doing tests on him/her because making a clone you make another living breathing human being that has his/her own thoughts and feelings. We have identical twins in our world but does that mean that we are going to take one of them and do experiments on them? Are most of the things that scientists have to say about the issue What do you think about human cloning, is it immoral and should not be done, or is it a necessary evil in human advancement??
Ha a month ago I think I made a post like this but mine started off sucky.Anyways..it goes so many different ways.It's illegal..It's a huge advancement!I myself think there is really no need in cloning a child unless they have passed away and your kinda weird like that..I don't think it's right to clone a human...but animals should be different..What would I know though I have lots to learn.
it depend were you stand really, whether your religious or not could affect your view as well. the thing is with cloning is that if we develope it too far, we'd end up creating 'the perfect race' which generally i don't think is a good idea. im mean, things like sport would go out the window, and me and you and onther people, we would'nt be needed.
I believe tht stem cell research could also be a part of this debate. Scientists right now are trying to find ways to use stem cells to grow only CERTAIN organs in the lab, for implantation into other human beings. It would not be necessary to clone the whole body, but just grow the organ alone, if you were to use it for implants. Other than that, i do not believe we are at the technologically advanced level where we would be able to successfully clone a human. But if it were possible, there would be very immense psychological effects on the actual clone, that feeling of being manufactured, and not born, may or may not cause insanity, and a lost feeling of self.
This type of cloning sounds like the hard way of having a baby... It would just be easyer to do it the normail way... I mean it is really just a baby not a complete replica of you? (don't know much about this type of cloning so I'm probably wrong)
Actually it is an exact copy of the person that the cell nucleus is from. The reason being is that having a baby the process of mitosis involves the random changing of different pairs of chromosomes from both man and woman, but when oyu clone using this process there is no replication involved instead the cell is just inserted into the egg and since there is no such thing ar testtube-babies they need an living female to take the cloned cell.
That is not the only problem this is not about population control or anything like that, if a person would be cloned it is like giving birth to a kid that has many different health issues because pretty much you take the cells of an adult and make it into a child while and if succesfully cloned even though the clone is just a kid they will have the cells that tell the age of the person that the cells were taken from thus resulting in the clone having problems as a child that only adults usually have.