"You have been called upon to serve, you will be trained... and you will become the best we can make of you. You will be the Protectors of Earth and all her Colonies" A Brief History of the Spartan II Program The SPARTAN-II Program was part of the SPARTAN Program, an effort to produce elite soldiers through mechanical and biological augmentation. The SPARTAN-II program would be the first in the series to meld advanced exoskeleton technology with the soldiers' superior physiques. In the years following the deactivation of the ORION Project in 2506 the effectiveness of small special forces combating the insurrectionists became too large for the UNSC to manage. As the Insurrectionist attacks were becoming more effective and the military's responses heavier, the need for large scale military campaigns was becoming more and more obvious. By 2517 the Office of Naval Intelligence concluded that the instability of the outer colonies would continue to escalate, and unless drastic military measures were taken it would result in a massive war between the inner colonies and the outer colonies. The SPARTAN-II project was conceived by Dr. Catherine Halsey of ONI's Section 3, as the successor to the original ORION project and the best possible solution to end the conflict with the Insurrectionists.Despite the tremendous risk, and the unethical means of creating new soldiers, the SPARTAN-II project was approved by the top brass within ONI - who concluded that the lives that could be saved far outweighed the risks involved. By 2517, 150 suitable candidates had been identified, but for budgetary reasons only half that number could be "conscripted". Seventy-Five children, all six years old of both sexes, were kidnapped and, in order to preserve the program's secrecy, the children were replaced by flash clones which would die soon thereafter due to numerous medical complications associated with flash-cloning an entire human being. The SPARTAN-II candidates after being sedated were taken to the colony world Reach, and began their training under Chief Petty Officer Mendez. To marginalize the civilian lives they had once led, their names became a combination of their given names and a number, with family names being discarded. The Spartans endured a great deal of hardship during their first years of training: they were placed into situation and drills that pushed their abilities to their very limit and beyond. Their hard training was complemented with a good education, from maths and science, reading and writing, to military tactics. His training methodology was tough, even brutal in some regards; Chief Petty Officer Mendez always instilled discipline, honor, and respect into the Spartans. He taught the Spartans how to kill, but at the same time he taught them the difference between right and wrong. Mendez trained the Spartans until 2525 when, at the age of fourteen, the Spartans would go through the toughest part of their training: the Augmentation Procedures, a process that would kill 30 of the 75 children conscripted, and cripple 12 others who would "wash out" of the SPARTAN-II program, going on to join the Office of Naval Intelligence or otherwise; only 33 survived the procedures to move on. The Human-Covenant War marked a change in objectives for the program; originally intended to quell rebellions, the Spartans were now forced into battle against a superior opponent to the UNSC; this new threat accelerated their training to its final phase: Project MJOLNIR. With the MJOLNIR armor, the Spartans would be the first major UNSC response to the Covenant threat. During the course of the war though, the Spartans frequently demonstrated their superiority over human insurrectionists who, despite the Covenant threat, continued to erode the economic base in the outer colonies. Countless times throughout the war the Spartans proved highly effective against all threats they went up against, and heroic rearguard and delaying actions saved countless human lives from the genocidal Covenant onslaught. In 2547, The SPARTAN-II program went public, in an effort to boost morale among the UNSC. Inevitably the small number of SPARTAN-IIs dwindled as casualties were sustained. As the exploits of the Spartans were a major propaganda boom to the UNSC, ONI Section 2 issued Directive 930 stating that Spartans killed or wounded would be listed as "Missing in Action" (MIA) or "Wounded in Action" (WIA), thus maintaining the illusion of Spartan invincibility. In late 2552, all except three of the remaining active Spartans rendezvoused at Reach to receive new orders for an operation that HIGHCOM hoped would end the war. They would commandeer a Covenant vessel, locate the Covenant home planet, and return with captured Covenant leadership to force a ceasefire. To this end the Spartans were slated to be re-equipped with MJOLNIR Mark V armor. The A.I. Cortana, carried within John-117's armor, would serve as the strike force's hacker and technology specialist. However, all preparations were interrupted and subsequently canceled by the Covenant Assault on Reach. In the ensuing disaster most of the SPARTAN-IIs were killed. Only two escaped, aboard the UNSC Pillar of Autumn, one left in cryostasis aboard the ship after sustaining life threatening injuries from the battle, while the rest remained fighting for their lives on Reach. Following the events at Alpha Halo, the survivors returned to Reach and were able to link up with the remaining Spartans. They then carried out a strike that resulted in the destruction of a Covenant fleet anchorage which contributed to the UNSC tatical victory early in the Battle of Earth. SPARTAN-IIs would go on to play pivotal roles at the Battle of Onyx, the operations in the Battle of Earth, and the Battle of Installation 00 until John-117 activates Installation_04B and ends the war. The SPARTAN II Program is a new game-type being created in Halo 3 - (Anything written in this color is a change made to the game-type) Introduction to the game-type: This new game will feature the Spartan IIs who played pivotal roles throughout the Covenant-Human War. The game will be an infection mode where 5-6 human players will be the Spartan IIs and the rest will be elites, whom are the zombies. The game-type itself will try and follow/recreate events that took place on Reach and other battles that took place during the war where Spartan IIs fought. Objective of the game: The 5-6 Spartan IIs will defend themselves from 4 different classes of elites in different types of structures. The 4 classes of elites include minor and major elites, stealth or spec-ops elites as well as field master elites. Game-type Details: The 4 elite classes and Spartan IIs' information is listed below. Minor Elites (regular zombies) - These players will be blue (as of now you must pick up the weapon of your choice) Shields will be normal. Major Elites (alpha zombies) - These players will be red (as of now you must pick up the weapon of your choice) Shields will be higher than minor elites. Stealth/Spec Ops Majors (zombie that picks up an invisibility shield) - They will be invisible and equipped with a energy sword. Shields will be normal. Field Master (zombie that picks up a custom power up) - They will be yellow and be quipped with an energy sword. Shields will be very high. Spartan IIs (human players) - These players will be equipped with the primary weapon as an Assault Rifle, and a magnum as secondary. The color of the player will most likely be either green or the colors of that player originally set, this is a voting matter. All players will be able to pick up weapons and drive vehicles. Specialized Spawn System: This new idea allows there to be a select number of alpha zombies and regular zombies at the start of the round. How it works is simple. Lets start with a 16 player game where there will be 3 alpha zombies and then 13 humans at the start of the round. The 5 Spartan IIs will spawn on the actual map and the other 8 humans will spawn in an enclosed structure with an object that will be set off by one of the alpha zombies which will kill those 8 humans thus turning them into regular zombies. The end result will be 5 human players against 3 alpha zombies and 8 regular zombies. This game-type is currently under build and has a map that is roughly 60-65% complete. Multiple sessions of testing will be played through over the next 2 weeks so as to adjust the game-type. Also, the name may be changed to SPARTAN II - FF, which is short for SPARTAN II - Firefight. Here is a picture of the 1st map in development for the game-type The Sangheili do not fear death....
Seems like a decent idea but i would change it from being noble team to the team the MC was on. Because just the fact that Noble team is S III's not II's. Still nice idea. Just like a really good twist to the whole ODST infection gametype.
Hmm, ha I guess I did some wrong research. Ya, John 117's team will most likely be the people you play as, but that doesn't really matter too much because it can't change gameplay.
Hate to burst your bubble but there are a few issues with this. The first being what CaptnSTFU said, the next being the classes. Plasma rifles are not a weapon that is available for a starting weapon, neither is the covenant carbine. Thats not a big deal if you make it that they pick it up at a spawning room but then theres the final problem. You said that the spec ops elite will have low shields to compensate for the invisibility but this cannot be done if the custom powerup is already used for another class. You can do one of two things in this situation. Make the custom elite pick up an overshield instead and have the spec ops pick up a custom that makes them weaker but invisible at the same time. Or you can pick one to take out of the game.
For the plasma rifle/covenant carbine I'll just spawn them near the players so they can easly choose which one they want. The primary weapon will most likely be the plasma pistol for all zombies as needlers are too strong and no other weapons are choosable. For the invisible elites their shields will remain the same so the custom power up will be the only shield changer. Now for characters, as I did some false research, will be chosen soon. The original members of Master Chief's team all took part in different battles at different time and the maps for the game-type were going to follow the story of those members. Obviously this will take some more thought of out it will work, but something will be concluded. If it has to just end up being a story where the Master Chief and some Spartan IIs are defending key locations on Reach then that will be it. This is still in the thought process and is why I have put this in the forge discussion thread.
MC was never on Reach during the invasion. He helped Johnson blow up an defense platform orbiting reach then boarded the pillar of autumn and jumped to hyperspace, blah blah boom halo ce. Kelly Linda and the other guy (i forgot) were all on reach with Dr. Halsey. Linda got blown in half by an plasma charge and Kelly got taken hostage by Halsey in the depths of the planet. Linda's body was frozen then cloned later (or thats what they are gona do anyway) but really your just gona have to make up a story line cause what you want to do won't fit the actual halo story. Id go with John's team running missions on other worlds etc. Just build the story around their missions before reach.
Ya, Im gong to have to do some research and I may come up with a good idea, but if not then I'll find a list of Spatan IIs that fought on reach and just use them. I do like the idea of running around different planets because that could spark up some really cool maps for the game-type. Also I can get a picture or two of the 1st map that is in development for the gametype for a sneak peak.
Sorry, that's wrong. Master Chief, Linda, and James went on the space op, and Fred, Kelly, and the rest of the Spartans went down on the ground to defend the MAC gun generators. James' thruster pack malfunctioned, and he was blown out into space (he died) and Linda got Boom, headshoted by an Elite. Dr Halsey later revived her. Most of the Spartans on the ground died when their Pelican was shot down, but about 15 of them made it to ground and split into three teams. One of the teams was killed, One went to the ONI Castle base, and the rest went to evacuate Admiral Stanforth.
Aww see i knew MC wasn't the only on on the platform. But still Hasely got hold of Kelly and put her in that crio tube (or w/e its called) cause then in Ghost of Onyx they went their to get in the Dyson Sphere. Well thanks for correcting me it's been awhile since i read the books.
So, the basic idea of the story should be you are a team of Spartan IIs whom are located on Reach, which of course doesn't have very large amounts of urban settings except for Manassas, Quezon, and I think 2 others. The first map released is going to be a section of Quezon and the Spartan team is holding out on the top buildings.
You should use respawn settings like in Asset. You should make it VIP and the VIP is the squad leader (John-117) and does a little more damage and is tougher. You should also make Grunt and Jackal classes and when players pick up custom power up they become elites. It would be way better than elites only. You should also make Spartan classes like Linda (sniper) and the Spartans should have their original colour.
I'll take a look into that, but I think the custom power up is already being used.. unless I used the invisibility for spec ops elites, overshield for elite captain, and custom power up for one other...which idk for what tho. Also, what would the normal zombies be then, grunts? elites?