^Title. Discuss achievements and gamerscore. Myself, I have over 1,000 achievements and over 25,000 gamerscore. But I've been xboxing since 2005, and I don't really consider myself a GS *****. (At least not anymore) At one stage I played for gamerscore, but I only earned about 8K in those couple of months.
I hate those players with 50K+ that claim they don't ***** and play for fun. It's ****ing bull. Achievements are fun extras to games, but there are people who buy games purely for gamerscore nowadays. FiFA 06, King Kong and Avatar:TBE have got more sales than games that are, in my opinion, fifty times as good.
I've got a smaller gamerscore of 4100. You can tell I don't play for achievements. It's still satisfying to get a hard achievement, though.
i dont even look at achievements. i dont think i even have 3000 gamerscore. all i do is xbl, and i dont play many games.
Ive got around 7k i think, and borderlands is the only game i have all the acheivements for... well i did have halo 3s but they did the update a while back and i dont have all of those now... I honestly just play xbox to talk to friends and play ganes and occaisionally forge nowadays
This is basically me. But, my only difference is I look at the achievements, and if I see some and I'm in an area to, I try, but I don't really ***** to get them. Except Mongoose Mowdown... That one was just plain satisfying.
This... I look at the Achievements and then while I'm playing I will try to get them if it seems easy enough but probably won't go trough the whole campaign just to find some enemy intel crap. I mean, I admit that I do sometimes ***** to get those Achievements but honestly most was out of pure luck. I've been on Xbox Live for about 4 years now and built up a total of 13,655 Gamerscore. I admit that I am a growing Achievement *****. I can't deny it...
I admit it. I used to be a gamerscore ***** I have around 27kish. Would still be if my xbox didn't break (thought getting all the achievements in Fallout 3 was the best )
Im a slight *****. I only have 21K, but I usually will look at the achievements for a game before starting, and will try to get them as I go. Some games I've taken the time to actually max out, like Halo 3, MW2, AC2, Borderlands and Arkham Asylum, but otherwise I usually don't.
23k, I used to be a *****, now I don't really care about gamerscore. I'll only try to get all of them if they fall underneath one of these categories- 1)easy 2)rented games 3)I like the game, and I play it a lot.
Another thing, a friend of mine worries about his achievement progress bar, and he will deliberately not get an achievement in a game, despite it being easy, and often misses out on good games, because he doubts that he will get more than say, 60% of the achievements on it. I tell him it's bull, and he's missing out. All the games that he deletes the achievement progress and such from his hard drive show that he is more and more inexperienced, and he is generally 'a bad gamer'. He has about 35 games in his list. I have over 150.
I whored for achievements my first 3 months of xbox live until I realized my 3000 gamerscore wasn't impressive. I'm sitting at about 13k atm.
I'm not a score *****, I don't own enough games. But the games that I do own and like, I see the achievements as goals and go for them. Without guides. Like assassins creed, I have yet to use a single guide and I have 94 feathers