Fav Search Class?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Meltyourtv, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What's your favorite Search and Destroy class? What do you think works best and why?

    Primary: Silenced UMP45 w/ Urban
    Secondary: Model 1887 Akimbo

    Equipment: Claymore
    Spec. Grenade: Stun x2

    Perk 1: Marathon Pro
    Perk 2: Lightweight Pro
    Perk 3: Ninja Pro

    Death Streak: Final Stand

    Why it works: Although a rather cliched class setup, the UMP is the strongest SMG. The SMG is the most mobile type of gun. Therefore, I can get where I need to go usually before the other team can. The fact that you can have a running class and still get kills without Stopping Power is great. Ninja also comes along as helpful, because there are a lot of people who have those MLG pr0 headsets that will make them more aware then you. Models and Claymores are a given, and the stun can be thrown faster than flashes, better for some CQ situations.

    Also, I just prestiged so I currently don't have this setup. :)
    #1 Meltyourtv, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  2. nixaguy

    nixaguy Ancient
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    You dont need those headsets to be mlg pro, my tv volume up a little higher than normal can detect non-ninja footsteps.
    Also my class is:

    Barret with thermal
    Desert Eagle with FMJ
    Throwing knife
    P1:Marathon pro
    P2:Coldblooded Pro
    P3:Ninja Pro
    Death streak:Final stand
  3. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Silenced ump
    Cold blooded
    All pro
    On HC, Semtex or claymore. On core, throwing knife or claymore. Some days I will swap out the stinger and/or cold blooded. My second favorite-
    WA2000 acog
    Stryker grip
    Sleight of hand
    Stopping power
    Steady aim
    All pro.
    Same equipment as previous class.
    This is my shotgun class, and if I see someone behind cover or at range, I pull out the wa2000. The acog and thermal swap out a lot.
    Tar-21 silencer heartbeat
    Cold blooded
    This is my specifically search class. The c4 is used on the bomb plant point i'm not defending, and if the arm it there I can generally kill whoever arms the bomb. The tar has good iron sights, and I don't do to much moving around so the inaccuracy is fine considering I'm not looking at campers behind cover very often. The heartbeat is used for obvious reasons, one of which is ninja defusing. The thumper is good for attacking, just launch my toob into typical defense points. I generally use this for hardcore.
  4. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Class 1:

    Primary: Silenced/Holographic Sight UMP45 w/ Desert(looks BA IMO)
    Secondary: M9 Handgun Akimbo/Ext. Mags

    Equipment: Claymore
    Spec. Grenade: Flash x2

    Perk 1: Bling Pro
    Perk 2: Cold-Blooded Pro
    Perk 3: Ninja Pro

    Death Streak: Final Stand

    Why it works: Again, sort of clichéd. The UMP45 is just beast as hell for search. I can easily go 10+ K/D with this class on an average day(I'm getting some gameplay w/ commentary up for teh proofz). I prefer desert on all my guns, but snipers. I don't particularly rush or camp, somewhere in-between.(move up, wait, listen for footsteps, move on). I use bling because I cannot stand the Iron Sights for the UMP(and akimbo/ext mag m9's pwn). Coldblooded so I don't die from killstreaks or get found by UAV, and Ninja to go against HB sensors and footstep listeners(like myself). I am virtually undetectable unless you physically see me.

    Class 2:

    Primary: Intervention w/ Thermal or FMJ
    Secondary: M9 Handgun Akimbo

    Equipment: Claymore
    Spec. Grenade: Smoke X1

    Perk 1: Sleight of Hand Pro
    Perk 2: Cold-Blooded Pro
    Perk 3: Ninja Pro

    Death Streak: Final Stand

    Why it works: When I'm in a snipin' mode. Sometimes I replace SoH(sleight of hand) with one man army to spawn snipe and revert to the UMP. This class is effective when your reflexes are alert and you are reacting fast(average to good day for me.). It isn't as beast as the UMP class, meaning you don't kill as much or die as little; but it's 10x as satisfying to use. I have actually soloed 3 guys all by myself with this class, killing all three in a matter of 10 to 15 seconds on terminal because they rushed. It's effective when Camping/Moving, meaning you camp for a bit, move up just a bit, repeat. Definitely needs to be used tactically, no runnin' and gunnin' here.
    #5 SRC48, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
  5. OrangeJuice

    OrangeJuice Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Primary: Vector
    Attachments: Red dot sight and Silencer.
    Camo: Urban

    Secondary: USP .45
    Attachments: Silencer and FMJ

    Equipment: Throwing knife

    Spec: Stun Grenade

    Tier 1: Bling Pro
    Tier 2: Cold Blooded Pro
    Tier 3: Ninja Pro

    Death Streak: Final Stand

    Why It Works:
    I chose the typical Hard Core SD Perks so i can't be seen by any kill Streaks and heart beat sensors. I chose the Vector because its got the fastest reload out of all SMGs other then the MP5K but i chose vector over it because of its much higher accuracy and i chose the USP .45 because of three reasons. One because its capable of having a silencer, two because it has the most range out of it and the M9, and three because its a good weapon if i run out of ammo, which happens a lot because of vectors high fire rate.

    Also, this set up is for Hard Core SD
    #6 OrangeJuice, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010

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