Hey guys especially MLG friends! Challenge on The Stage is the best way to get warmed up and be prepared to play matchmaking finally. It's an arena containing 2 stages which offer in each case a stair and a simple jump to get on. The spawns which are only located at the bottom of the map make sure that the stages will be the most contested position in the game. You will spawn with BR&SNIPE + 2frags. There are no weapons neither any nades on the map. ...Zneakey Stage & Jump Main Stage & Jump Thats what I call a 100% ghost merging map =) A perfectly working spawn system. Download Challenge (Gametype) http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=104971301 on The Stage (Map) Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
This is actually a fantastic arena. And, it's clean as can be! I approve, sir. *DOWNLOADED* (Soon, I need to go delete something off of my HD)
Ok first of the map looks good and tidy and shall mix up the whole br dome concept 5/5 for the map but mods are severly frowned upon here at forgehub and if you dont want to have admins at your throat id watch out just a warning defo dl from me
Mods are not frowned upon, they are restricted and frowned upon. Quick tip, do not rate a map when you have not played it yet. If I am not mistaken., this thread might be locked soon unless the thread owner takes out his gametype.
THX for your comments guys but can anyone of you explain me what i did wrong or why will this thread locked soon ??? I will do everything to keep it alive =)
You included a modded gametype, as stated earlier, which is prohibited here at Forge Hub. I recommend you to take it off to keep your thread alive.
I dnt know why you have changed the gametime anyways, we tested it with 5 seconds yesterday and i thought it was perfect that way. ot: This is one of the best warm up maps ive ever played on. Is perfectly forged, looks and plays absolutly clean and isnt as boring as octagon is. The stages are a powerposition but they are nt too overpowered, with 4-8 people you cant get more than 3 kills before dying or dropping down. The spawnsystem works way better than i expected it to work. None of the spawn get blocked at any time during the match, so spawncamping is almost impossible. Unlike Octagon, the chance to get assasinated when spawning is very low. Beatdown in general are rare. Heres a 15 minute game with 7 players and only 27 Beatdowns Bungie.net : Halo 3 Game Details
does anyone of you know if i can post my map directly in any forum of mlgpro.com? If yes, where does it belong to? ...Zneakey EDIT Alright i got it