*Fixed* To be honest, I didnt really understand that the spartan was playing video games until I saw a tag saying "television"...
Umm 3/5 Not really thinking outside of the box. Mabe you should of put some giant furniture or something. But i do like how you made the spartan riding the mongoose to make it look like hes holding a controller. OH! mabe you should of put an xbox, lol.
Please embed your screenshots next time, you already have 33 posts, you should know better. The picture though isn't very impressive, it's only a guy and a screen, like flipkid said, it would be a lot better with some furniture or a xbox, also the background makes the picture a lot worse
I know it isn't impressive but i was aiming for it to be funny and in the description it says that he's saying "This game sucks"
I don't understand it at all, the angle is weird and it doesn't look like the spartan is playing the game.